Madrid, Spain, 04 December 2019. — The 15th Edition of the Global Climate Risk Index has just been released today, with the report citing the Philippines as the 2nd most affected by climate change in 2018 and the 4th among the long-term climate-impacted countries (1999-2018).

Speaking from Madrid, Yeb Saño, Executive Director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia, said: 

“The writing on the wall is clear: the Philippines is in a climate emergency. We have been in a state of climate emergency for decades now, and the situation is not getting any better–and it will not get any better unless the world leaders gathering for the COP25 in Madrid show concrete commitments towards the promises they made in Paris. We also call on the Philippine government to formally acknowledge this emergency situation and act with the utmost urgency and defend the interests of its people in the face of climate injustice.”

“We need urgent action if we are to address the root causes of the climate crisis and achieve climate justice for our people. This would only be possible if tackling climate change and its impacts on the lives of Filipino people is given top priority by government and placed at the center of policy- and decision-making on local and national levels.

“Greenpeace is therefore calling on President Rodrigo Duterte to issue a Climate Emergency Declaration and, as an immediate next step, hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the harms to Filipino people brought on by their activities that are driving the climate crisis.

“In recognition of this climate emergency, the Philippine government should lead the demand for industrialized nations to ratchet up their emissions reduction ambitions in order to limit global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Our own government must also ensure the country’s rapid and just transition to a climate-friendly development through a massive uptake of renewable energy solutions, the phase-out of coal-fired power plants and a stop to all coal and fossil fuels expansion.”

Greenpeace has launched a Petition for a Climate Emergency Declaration and is calling on Filipinos to sign on to it at

For media enquiries please contact:

JP Agcaoili, Communications Manager, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines

[email protected] | +63 949 889 1334