Manila, Philippines — Today, youth climate strikers and civil society organizations are calling on the Philippine government to hold major carbon emitters responsible as they march in Manila for climate justice. The march is part of the Global Climate Strikes Movement, which takes place ahead of the UN climate conference in Spain next week. Youth groups are taking to the streets in several other Philippine cities, including Davao, carrying a common message of justice for climate-impacted Filipino communities.

“Filipino youth refuse to inherit a dying planet and a sunken country. We are demanding climate justice,” said Mitzi Jonelle Tan, lead convenor at the Youth Advocates for Climate Action in the Philippines. 

“We are fed up with the willful ignorance of multinational companies and world leaders of countries that are contributing the most to environmental degradation and the climate crisis. We will not stay in our classrooms when the threats to our country and to Filipinos are so clear and apparent.”

Ahead of the climate strikes, young Filipinos are also hopeful that the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) of the Philippines will release a favorable resolution on its investigation[1] into the responsibility of 47 of the world’s biggest investor-owned fossil fuel companies for human rights impacts resulting from climate change. The inquiry is the first of its kind in the world and its resolution is expected to become a precedent for future climate litigation in the Philippines and in other countries.

“For the future of our children and the coming generations, we remain steadfast that the CHR will announce a resolution holding fossil fuel companies responsible for human rights violations,”  said Katherine Culaba, Education Officer at Sentro ng mga Nagkakaisa at Progresibong Manggagawa (SENTRO)[2]. “The climate crisis can be addressed, but only if we hold the culprits responsible for the damage they’re inflicting.”

Greenpeace is supporting the call for climate justice and is demanding that companies most responsible for the climate crisis be held accountable for climate harms.

“The Philippines is in a climate emergency—corporations most responsible for this crisis should not be allowed to continue operating business-as-usual with impunity,” said Marian Ledesma, Greenpeace Philippines coordinator for the Climate Justice Campaign. “Today’s young people are relentless in their efforts to demand solutions to the climate crisis. Greenpeace honors these young Filipinos who are at the forefront of the call to bring justice to people whose rights to shelter, food, livelihood and a dignified life are being violated by fossil fuel companies who put profit over people. They are not just fighting for themselves, but for everyone.”

Notes to Editors:
[1] The Resolution to the NICC1, triggered by a Petition filed in 2015 by 14 civil society organizations and 18 individuals, is expected to be released in time for the  2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid on December 2 to 13, 2019. The Petition sought an investigation on “carbon majors,” the world’s biggest investor-owned fossil fuel and cement companies, for violating or threatening the human rights of Filipinos by significantly contributing to climate change and failing to reduce emissions. The NICC is the first initiative of its kind, investigating the responsibility of fossil fuel companies for human rights violations stemming from climate change. The findings that will be outlined in the Resolution is expected to become a precedent for future climate litigation in the Philippines and in other countries, as well as a resource for ongoing cases filed by cities and individuals against carbon majors. Read more: The Climate Change and Human Rights Petition in the Philippines:
[2] SENTRO and Greenpeace are among the 14 civil society organizations that signed in the Petition. Other Petitioners include human rights and environmental groups, namely Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement, Dakila, Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates, Philippine Human Rights Information Center, Mother Earth Foundation, Ecowaste Coalition, 350.Org East Asia, Nagkakaisang Ugnayan ng mga Magsasaka at Manggagawa sa Niyugan, Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development, Alliance of Youth Organizations and Students-Bicol, Philippine Movement for Climate Justice, and Nuclear Free Bataan Movement. 

Media Contacts:

Marian Ledesma, Climate Justice Coordinator
Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines 
[email protected] | +63 998 562 3578

Angeli Cantillana, Communications Campaigner
Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
[email protected] | +63 998 595 9733

Standing Up to Big Oil and Gas on Wall Street in New York. © Michael Nagle / Greenpeace
Demand climate justice

Filipinos are enduring the worst impacts of climate change, caused by greedy corporations. It’s time to hold them to account!