30 December 2018, Manila, Philippines – On the eve of the scheduled balloon drop by Cove Manila and Okada Manila, petitioner Climate Reality Project Philippines, joined by Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines, Ecowaste Coalition, and Save Philippine Seas said:

“Cove Manila and Okada Manila can be part of history by setting a record for being a prime nightlife destination by having an environmentally-sound New Year’s Eve celebration. But instead, these establishments will start theirs with the worst possible violation to the environment by setting the record of being one of the biggest plastic polluter in one event. Indoor or outdoor, this activity is a travesty and injurious to our already suffering environment.

“The plan to set a Guinness World Record for the world’s largest balloon drop is an event and a record nobody wants to have nor asked for. As a Filipino, there is nothing to be proud of from this so-called ‘biggest balloon drop’ event. Since Friday night, social media is burning with the posts and comments of angry netizens asking Cove Manila to halt this inexcusable environmental transgression disguised as a party. Right now, more than 63,000 people signed our petition on Bataris.org.ph, urging Cove Manila to stop this event [1].

“As of now, Cove Manila has not heeded the call of more than 63,000 people, and in an online statement said they will still push thru with their plans. Unfortunately, recycling has become an excuse for polluters like Cove Manila and Okada Manila to stage irresponsible activities such as this. Cove Manila and Okada Manila are adding 130,000 pieces of solid wastes to our already full landfills. How Cove Manila and Okada Manila can ensure that no single balloon will pollute our waterways and our oceans, no one will ever know. Even the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) already expressed their concern and joined our call in urging Cove Manila and Okada Manila to stop the balloon drop, but it seems like the DENR’s order has fallen on deaf ears. [2]

“As we have seen in the past few days, netizens are very much aware of the environmental damage this activity will do. They are no longer buying the myth of recycling that establishments like Cove Manila and Okada Manila are perpetuating as an excuse. Recycling and ecobricking are not solutions and should not be used as an excuse to conduct environmentally damaging activities. In this day and age of extreme weather conditions due to climate change, when we we are waking up to realities of a polluted world on a daily basis, refusal and reduction of wastes should be our primary course of action.

“At this point, we are still urging these two establishments to drop their plan and halt this activity. We are calling everyone who loves our country to start the New Year right with a renewed commitment to protect and love the environment by NOT patronizing this event. Lastly, Cove Manila and Okada Manila should realize that the real responsible thing to do is to #dropballoondrop.”

Notes to the editors:

[1] Stop Cove Manila’s Balloon Drop. https://www.bataris.org.ph/petitions/stop-cove-manila-s-balloon-drop

[2] DENR orders Cove Manila to stop balloon drop event. http://cnnphilippines.com/news/2018/12/30/DENR-Cove-Manila-balloon-drop-event.html

Media contacts:

Rodne Galicha
Country Manager, Climate Reality Project Philippines
+63 927 151 5908 | [email protected]

Anna Oposa
Executive Director, Save Philippine Seas
+63 917 851 0209 | [email protected]

Aileen Lucero
National Coordinator, Ecowaste Coalition
+63 917 836 9592 | [email protected]

Angelica Carballo Pago
Media Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
+63 949 889 1332 | [email protected]