In reaction to the appointment of Roy Cimatu as the new Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary, Vince Cinches, Political Campaigner of Greenpeace Philippines, said:

“Greenpeace is concerned that President Duterte has appointed someone else so quickly without first addressing the issues raised in Sec. Lopez’s term and the circumstances surrounding her rejection. We hope that these won’t be swept under the rug.  We are a bit worried why President Duterte is in a hurry to appoint a new secretary, and also disappointed why he did not firmly stand by Gina Lopez, given that she seems to be one of the few who are earnest in implementing reforms toward positive change.

“What will happen to the reforms started by Gina Lopez? These should be continued and expanded.

“Without prejudice to Mr Cimatu, we have to be clear on the strengths and expertise of  an appointee as DENR Secretary. We need somebody with a clear track record on the environment.  The problem with having a DENR Secretary who has no clear track record on environmental issues is that the person likely won’t see the importance of a healthy ecosystem to a healthy economy.

“We want someone who will champion the rights of people to a healthy and balanced ecology over the desire for profits and interests of destructive industries.  In the interest of transparency, we need to know who the endorsers and backers of Roy Cimatu are, to establish the motives of people behind the decision to appoint him as the new DENR secretary.

“But regardless of whoever takes over the DENR, an investigation should be launched to find out the extent of corruption within the DENR, as demonstrated during the CA hearing wherein the alleged lobby money and influence of owners of mining companies prevailed over the people’s right to a healthy environment.

“We also wish to underline that we in the environmental movement will keep a watchful eye, regardless of who sits at the DENR.”

For more information:

Vince Cinches, Political Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
[email protected] | +63 949 889 1336

Angelica Carballo Pago, Media Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
[email protected] | +63 949 889 1332