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  • Roadmap to Recovery of Philippine Oceans

    The Roadmap to Recovery for the Philippine Oceans is an urgent proposal to reverse the deteriorating condition of the country’s marine resources – the need to safeguard the health of our oceans, the viability of coastal communities and national food security is the key guiding principle. The Aquino Administration will have a significant role to…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Policy experts say environmental protection is crucial to ASEAN economic integration success

    Manila, Philippines, 20 May 2014—The protection of Southeast Asia’s natural and human resource base must be ensured as the region moves towards economic integration in 2015 and beyond. This was the pronouncement made by regional policy experts, civil society groups and members of the academe [1] ahead of the World Economic Forum on East Asia…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • True Cost of Coal in the Philippines

    Coal burning has existed for centuries. It powered the Industrial Revolution, changing the course of the world. At present it provides 29.9% of global primary energy needs and generates 41% of the world's electricity. It is also used in the production of 70% of the world’s steel. Total world coal production reached a record level…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • The women rafters of Lake Pandin

    Roughly nine years ago, a small barangay situated near Lake Pandin in San Pablo, Laguna, began drawing in lots of visitors. Though the city of San Pablo has long been…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Greenpeace calls for ratification of Basel Ban Amendment following discovery of Canadian toxic shipment

    Manila, Philippines—Environmental group Greenpeace today expressed alarm at the discovery of fifty container vans from Canada, supposedly carrying plastic scraps, but found to contain a mixture of different household waste that include adult diapers, and plastic containers with liquids.

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Cavite City Open Dumpsite: A Pile of Lessons

    All of us produce waste each day, and what you or I consider waste might not be worthless to someone else. But have you ever wondered where our personal, household, and office wastes are being disposed?  Have you ever asked where your waste goes, what happens to it once you throw it out and what…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Green Holiday Tips

    The holidays are a time for family and celebration and these festivities also negatively impact the environment. From the millions decorations that must be disposed of, to the tons of gift wrappers and increase in energy usage to keep the colored lights blinking and dancing, the holidays cause a lot of damage. But hey! Small…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Carbon majors: accounting for carbon and methane emissions 1854-2010

    Climate change is no longer an abstract concept that scientists and environmentalists discuss, but a reality of many people’s lives. Over the past few years record breaking and extreme weather…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • An open letter of solidarity and support

    Dear friends, It is impossible to put into words the despair that millions of Filipinos are going through right now. Days after Haiyan (Yolanda) sliced through the central islands of the Philippines, it has become horrifyingly clear that the damage wrought by the super typhoon has been colossal, the devastation absolute. As of this writing, almost…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Ecological Agriculture: the future of food production

    Time and again we have heard that business as usual is compromising the health of our environment which then has a profound impact on human health and well-being.  The way humans have unceasingly poisoned our soils, water and air through the use of synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides has wrought so much damage to the…

    Greenpeace Philippines