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  • Backyard Gardening and Climate Change

    I started my small organic herb and vegetable garden in front of my apartment in mid-2012 with the simple goal of growing pesticide-free vegetables for me and my family. Like…

    Jabez Flores
  • Briefing Paper: Forum on Fish Aggregating Devices

    Fish aggregating devices (FADs), called payao in the Philippines and rumpon in Indonesia, are large floating objects deployed by fishing vessels to attract fish and make easier the task of finding and catching them. FADs work because tuna and a whole range of other fish and marine animals instinctively gather around such floating objects (as…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • True Cost of Coal in the Philippines (Volume 2)

    Given the economic, social and environmental havoc that climate change has wrought in the Philippines, embracing coal is a dangerous policy. Short term benefits of coal to some elite players…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Reducing our Plastic Footprint

    Today, July 3, is International Plastic Bag Free Day. Globally, citizens and organizations are organizing activities highlighting the issue of plastic bag use and its effects, thereby strengthening the call…

    Abigail Aguilar
  • Territorial fight is an ecological tragedy

    It is hard to forget those graphic images of sea turtles and giant clams being poached to be traded illegally, their habitats being polluted and destroyed — in the backdrop of heightened territorial dispute in the South China Sea, which the Philippines now refers to as the West Philippine Sea.

    Atty. Zelda Soriano
  • Fisherfolk groups to President Aquino: Save Philippine fisheries, adopt Roadmap to Recovery

    Manila, Philippines, 30 May 2014 – On the eve of National Fisherfolk’s Day, close to 1,000 people from fisherfolk groups, civil society and non-government organizations marched to Malacañang in festive sea creature costumes to deliver their proposed Roadmap to Recovery for Philippine Oceans to address the declining state of our national seas. They urged the…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Roadmap to Recovery of Philippine Oceans

    The Roadmap to Recovery for the Philippine Oceans is an urgent proposal to reverse the deteriorating condition of the country’s marine resources – the need to safeguard the health of our oceans, the viability of coastal communities and national food security is the key guiding principle. The Aquino Administration will have a significant role to…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Policy experts say environmental protection is crucial to ASEAN economic integration success

    Manila, Philippines, 20 May 2014—The protection of Southeast Asia’s natural and human resource base must be ensured as the region moves towards economic integration in 2015 and beyond. This was the pronouncement made by regional policy experts, civil society groups and members of the academe [1] ahead of the World Economic Forum on East Asia…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • True Cost of Coal in the Philippines

    Coal burning has existed for centuries. It powered the Industrial Revolution, changing the course of the world. At present it provides 29.9% of global primary energy needs and generates 41% of the world's electricity. It is also used in the production of 70% of the world’s steel. Total world coal production reached a record level…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Greenpeace calls for ratification of Basel Ban Amendment following discovery of Canadian toxic shipment

    Manila, Philippines—Environmental group Greenpeace today expressed alarm at the discovery of fifty container vans from Canada, supposedly carrying plastic scraps, but found to contain a mixture of different household waste that include adult diapers, and plastic containers with liquids.

    Greenpeace Philippines