#MakeShellPay for climate change losses

Shell has known for decades that climate change is a threat, yet it continues to thrive on its destructive fossil fuel operations. They have earned $40 billion in 2022 alone (PHP 2.1 trillion), a year in which the oil industry produced record-setting carbon emissions that are driving the climate crisis.

Meanwhile, vulnerable countries like the Philippines suffer the consequences – losing billions-worth in damage, on top of multiple casualties over the last years. Yet Shell and other climate polluters refuse to listen.

We can no longer stand idly by while Shell corrupts our environment.
It’s time to #MakeShellPay and #MakePollutersPay for our losses.

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1. Acknowledge their role in driving the climate crisis

A landmark climate inquiry in the Philippines recently found that Shell willfully concealed the fact that their activities have led to significant harm to the environment and the climate system. Shell must own up to their role in fueling climate change, and;

2. Stop fossil fuel operations

Fossil fuel companies are engaged in climate-destructive business that harm people, causing extreme weather events like more frequent supertyphoons and irreversible impacts such as sea level rise. 

Shell must veer away from practices that threaten our planet, and our lives. Stop fossil fuel expansion, now!

3. Pay up for loss and damage

It’s not just about the money; it’s a moral obligation. We have lost so much — our homes, livelihoods, and even loved ones — to climate change. For justice to be served, fossil fuel companies like Shell must pay for the economic and non-economic damage caused by climate change impacts.


Why we should #MakePollutersPay

The climate crisis is here

The climate crisis is here, and its impacts—loss of lives, homes and livelihoods—are felt most deeply by the poorest and most vulnerable communities who are the least responsible. In fact, the Philippines consistently ranks as a top disaster and climate crisis hotspot.
It’s a critical decade for climate action and solutions to prevent runaway climate change, and science has shown that fossil fuels are the biggest culprits.

Shell and other fossil fuel companies need to be held responsible for the harms brought on by climate impacts. In 2022, a landmark inquiry in the Philippines found legal grounds to hold climate-destroying corporations, also called ‘Carbon Majors,’ accountable for the climate-damaging impacts of their business activities.

Yet these companies continue to expand operations, drilling for more oil, gas and coal, bringing in record-breaking profits in 2022—even while communities continue to experience ever-worsening climate impacts. Worse still, they have long been aware of their products’ adverse impacts on climate.

Climate Change and Fossil Fuels: By the numbers

What have Carbon Majors been up to?
21.4% – Top 20 Carbon Majors’ contribution to global carbon emissions (1965-2018)
$1.5 trillion – Fossil fuel giants’ projected spending on new oil and gas projects from 2020-2040
Shell alone is projected to spend $46 billion on such projects (2022-2030)
45M tonnes – Amount of CO2 Shell can generate from oil extraction in the Penguins Oil Field, North Sea (2022 until the next 40 years)

Meanwhile, due to climate change worsened by fossil fuels:
$360 billion – Global climate damage costs in 2022
P506.1 billion – PH losses to climate-related hazards, 2010-2020
at least 6,352 – deaths during Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in 2013

National Inquiry on Climate Change (NICC) report findings

Amid all these, the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines’ National Inquiry on Climate Change (NICC) report found that fossil fuel companies, including Shell, willfully concealed the fact that their activities have led to significant harm to the environment and the climate system.

Greenpeace believes that Shell and other fossil fuel companies must:
Take responsibility for its historic role in climate change
Pay up for climate loss and damage
Stop its oil and gas expansion around the world
Commit to a just transition to renewable energy around the world
Stop presenting carbon offsetting as the answer—given the growing evidence, offsetting is nothing but a scam.

National Inquiry on Climate Change Report

Stand with communities in the Philippines and around the world: #MakeShellPay and #MakePollutersPay for fueling climate change!

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