2022 Presidentiables and Climate Justice

Standing up for climate justice is

The next president should

Hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the climate crisis and call on other countries to do the same. It must also lead the call for a global phase out of fossil fuels toward a just transition to renewable energy.

Call on rich countries for more ambitious emissions reductions targets, more money for climate finance, and compensation for loss and damage.

Ensure the House Resolution calling for a Climate Emergency Declaration is followed through with a coherent climate plan. The government must institute climate action as the central policy of the state, and must protect people and climate on the basis of climate justice. Climate justice must also be at the heart of the country’s COVID recovery plan.

Based on their statements, where do they stand?

Hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the climate crisis and call on other countries to do the same.Call on rich countries for more ambitious emissions reductions targets, more money for climate finance, and compensation for loss and damage.Ensure the government institutes climate action as the central policy of the state, and must protect people and climate on the basis of climate justice.
Abella, Ernesto
De Guzman, Leody
Domagoso, Isko
Gonzales, Norberto
Lacson, Ping
Mangondato, Faisal
Marcos, Bongbong
Montemayor, Jose
Pacquiao, Manny
Robredo, Leni


Greenpeace is a politically and financially independent organization. We do not take donations from political parties or governments, or from corporations. Our work on electoral advocacy is aimed at surfacing environmental and social justice issues that we believe people should be considering when they cast their ballots.

The information provided on the stance of presidential candidates are taken from a scan of each of the candidate’s public pronouncements in news websites, as well as the candidate’s own web, as of 25 March 2022. While we have made every attempt to ensure a thorough scan of public pronouncements, the information provided here is for general guidance only on matters of interest and does not purport to be comprehensive. It also does not include information that candidates may have expressed but are not recorded in public platforms.

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Moreover, the information is provided here with the understanding that we are not engaged in any activity connected to political campaigning.