How your donations help make change

At Greenpeace, your donations power meaningful change. We want you to see how your contributions support specific programs and initiatives, making a tangible impact on environmental advocacy in the Philippines.

Solar Installation in Mantatao Island, Bohol Province. © Greenpeace

In Southeast Asia, we have 58,665 financial donors from all walks of life who support our work. Because of them, we are able to campaign for a greener future by investigating, documenting and lobbying for the protection of our climate, forests, oceans, freshwater, and food.

Solar Installation in Mantatao Island, Bohol Province. © Greenpeace

Empowering communities for a sustainable future

Your donations enable us to collaborate with local communities across the Philippines, empowering them to protect their environment and build a brighter, sustainable future. Through clean energy projects and zero-waste initiatives, your support amplifies the voices of those on the frontlines of environmental protection.

Documenting and responding to environmental disasters

Your donations enable Greenpeace Philippines to swiftly document and respond to environmental disasters, including oil spills. By funding on-the-ground investigations, rapid response teams, and essential resources, your support ensures that we can take immediate action, raise awareness, and drive solutions to protect affected communities and ecosystems.

Oilspill from Capsized Oil Tanker MT Terranova in Bulacan. © Noel Celis / Greenpeace
Youth Workshop in Brgy Coring in Philippines. © Jilson Tiu / Greenpeace

Fighting for Climate Justice

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and your contributions are at the forefront of the fight. We channel your donations into campaigns that hold polluters accountable, advocate for climate justice, and push for policy changes that prioritize the wellbeing of people over corporate profits.

Combating plastic pollution

Plastic pollution is choking our oceans and harming our communities. Your donations support critical research, awareness campaigns, and grassroots movements like Kuha sa Tingi, which focus on refill and reuse initiatives to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable alternatives.

Kuha sa Tingi Roadshow in San Juan City. © Basilio Sepe / Greenpeace

Your role in our success

Every donation you make is a step toward a more just, sustainable world. We are deeply grateful for your support, and we are committed to using every peso wisely to create lasting change. By standing with us, you are playing a crucial role in protecting the environment and securing a better future for all.