Greenpeace regrets removal of peacefully protesting activists who demand a climate plan from Schiphol Airport 

Amsterdam, December 14 – This weekend, Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 December, Schiphol Amsterdam Airport is the stage for climate action: Greenpeace organises Protestival. Hundreds of activists come to the airport to demand a climate action plan for Schiphol. In the heart of the major polluter Schiphol Plaza, activists have hung up banners with the text: “Welcome to Protestival” and “Schiphol is flying ahead of all climate limits.” The activists sit on the floor in a circle and sing. After more than an hour, the authorities started removing people from Schiphol Plaza, but the peaceful activists continue.

A peacefully protesting activist is being escorted by the authorities. PHOTO: Marten van Dijl / Greenpeace.

“We very much regret the removal of activists by authorities. Our campaigners wanted to organize a peaceful protest at Schiphol Plaza to call this big polluter to account. We announced this demonstration well in advance at Schiphol and the mayor. The right to demonstrate is a major asset, also at an airport”, said Greenpeace campaign leader Dewi Zloch. 

Demonstrations take place at several locations at the airport. A 24-hour mass-action is planned inside and outside Schiphol Airport and will continue day and night. There will be a mainstage outside in front of Schiphol Plaza with performances by Brownie Dutch, Magic Tom & Yuri, Annabel Laura and Antillectuel, among others. The event can be followed via the Greenpeace live-stream

Greenpeace also had a surprise in store. In the morning a large banner was hung on the large advertising column next to the control tower with the text: Schiphol flies past all climate limits. Earlier thousands of people sent a text message to Schiphol to demand a climate plan. The purpose of the promotion is not to hinder travelers, but to demand a climate plan from the airport.

The municipality of Haarlemmermeer is opposed to it
The municipality of Haarlemmermeer does not want the demonstration inside in the public space of Schiphol Plaza. Greenpeace will continue with the action nonetheless. “We use our right to protest peacefully. Moreover, it is not our goal to hinder travelers. Schiphol Plaza is the heart of big polluter Schiphol, therefore we want to ask them at that specific location to come up with a climate plan,” Dewi Zloch, campaigner at Greenpeace. Only trained activists participate in the 24-hour mass action. They plan to stay until Sunday. The supporting manifestation outside is accessible to everyone and is facilitated by the municipality. The manifestation starts at 1 p.m. on Saturday and around noon on Sunday.

Climate plan
The activists ask Schiphol to come up with a  climate plan. This plan means fewer flights, no Lelystad Airport, replacing short-distance flights by train, and supporting a fair price for flying. Schiphol Airport is the largest tax-free gas station in The Netherlands, and there is no tax on flight tickets either.


For more information: 

Press officer Greenpeace: 06-21296895. A whatsapp group for live-updates is available for press (in Dutch). Please contact the press officer. 

Photos and videos of Protestival can be downloaded here. Use of the photos is free with reference to the photographer. Follow the Protestest live stream.