On 18th August with renowned zoologist Dr Liz Slooten, and Outrageous Fortunes actor Robyn Malcolm we presented an eye-catching petition to Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage demanding better protection for the critically endangered Māui dolphin.

The image was made of names of the people who signed the petition – here you can zoom in and find your name!

We called on the Government to give the Māui dolphin proper protection from net fishing, mining, and oil exploration activities including seismic testing.

Maui petition handover at Parliament in Wellington

Māui petition handover at Parliament in Wellington

Māui and Hector’s dolphins are native to New Zealand, and are the world’s smallest and rarest dolphins. With only around 60 Māui left on the planet, the race to save them couldn’t be more crucial. We urgently need to protect the Māui’s full habitat, with a ban on set net fishing, seabed mining and oil drilling, and a stop to seismic testing.

As well as the petition, more than 5,000 submissions made by Greenpeace supporters on the Threat Management Plan for Maui and Hector’s dolphins were also handed over.

Protect The Oceans

From climate change and plastics, to deep sea mining and overfishing –  the threats facing our oceans are growing and becoming more urgent by the day. Here’s how we protect them.

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