Greenpeace activists and musicians pull the sledge with ice instruments to the ice music stage at an ice edge in Svalbard.

With temperatures below -12 degrees celsius, the rhythms of chimes, horns, ice percussion and a cello blended together to send a message from the Arctic for the need to protect at least 30% of our global oceans by 2030, part of the Greenpeace’ most ambitious expedition ever: an almost year long Pole to Pole voyage.

In its first leg, Greenpeace has partnered with a group of musicians to record an ice concert in the far north of the Arctic. They played a piece called ‘Ocean Memories’ on instruments carved from ice collected in Arctic waters to shine a light on the enormous threat posed by climate change, overfishing and plastic pollution to the Arctic ocean [2]. This year, the Arctic is suffering from a record breaking ice loss and in April the average temperature was 8 degrees above normal.



To download the video and the photos here

To sign the petition click here.


‘Ocean Memories’

Music by Terje Insungset

Ice carving by Bill Covitz

Defending Our Oceans

Now we have a chance to turn things around, by putting the most vulnerable and important parts of our oceans off-limits to destructive industries. Governments at the UN are starting work on a Global Ocean Treaty that will introduce laws to protect the oceans by creating sanctuaries.

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