why immediate action against Plastic Pollution is critical

The issue of plastic pollution transcends mere environmental concern; it represents an immediate threat to global health, biodiversity, and the economic stability of regions worldwide, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). As we stand at the precipice of irreversible damage, understanding the urgency of combating plastic pollution is paramount.

Recent research has illuminated that microplastics have been found in human blood, organs, placentas, and even arteries.  They pass through the body barriers and lodge themselves within vital tissues. This could lead to unprecedented health crises, as these particles are known to cause inflammation and cellular damage, which could manifest in serious health issues.

Microplastics in the bloodstream and organs not only signal an immediate health threat but have long-term implications for human health, including potential impacts on fertility, immunity, and the overall disease burden on healthcare systems.

Beyond environmental cleanup

In the MENA region, the economic costs of plastic pollution are staggering. The pervasive impact of plastics on marine life further exacerbates economic vulnerabilities, particularly for communities dependent on fishing and tourism. Without significant investment in combating plastic pollution, these economic drains are likely to worsen, compounding the challenges faced by already struggling economies.

Environmental and biodiversity emergency

The loss of biodiversity is not just a loss for nature; it represents a critical depletion of Earth’s natural resources, upon which human survival depends.

The correlation between increased plastic production and pollution levels is linear and undeniable. With plastic production set to triple by 2050.


…with a significant portion produced by just 5 companies. Despite attempts at voluntary control, these efforts have proven insufficient, as plastic production has doubled since 2000, and only 9% of it is recycled.

This increase in production directly correlates with a rise in pollution, signalling a dire need for effective legislative action.

The pervasive presence of microplastics, detected in human blood, organs, placentas, and even in the arteries, underscores an alarming invasion into human life and health, catalyzing potential lifelong health issues.


This is a critical moment for action. Greenpeace MENA’s initiatives are geared towards not only mitigating the current levels of pollution but also setting a sustainable path forward to prevent future damage. Your support fuels these efforts, enabling advocacy for stronger policies, implementation of community-based recycling and reduction initiatives, and global cooperation on plastic use reduction.

The urgency of combating plastic pollution cannot be overstated. It is not just about cleaning up the mess; it’s about preventing a future where the vitality of our planet and the health of our people are compromised. 

We are heading toward the Fifth and final session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC5), which aims to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, the Global Plastics Treaty, which is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to establish international rules to address the negative environmental, social and human rights impacts of plastic production and use. The INC5 is scheduled to take place from 25 November to 1 December 2024 in Busan, Republic of Korea.  

Join Greenpeace MENA now

act now, donate now, and be part of the solution. Together, we can forge a plastic-free future, where plastic pollution no longer constitutes a threat to our livelihoods and ecosystems.