12 August 2020: Commenting on the publication of an open letter to the UN Secretary-General urging them to take action to deal with the FSO SAFER oil tanker and stop a humanitarian and environmental catastrophe off Yemen, Greenpeace MENA Executive Director Zeina Alhajj said:

“Time has run out on doing nothing to avert the looming social and ecological disaster that is the FSO SAFER oil tanker. Inaction is no longer an option.

“The UN is our last, best hope of averting a catastrophic oil spill in the Red Sea. It has all the influence and expertise to solve the problem and Greenpeace urge the Secretary-General to make repairing the tanker and removing the million barrels of oil on board a priority.

“Unless the UN act we risk sleepwalking into a disaster of international significance that will heap even more misery and suffering on millions of Yemenis.”

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