We are calling on people around the world to create a “Million Acts of Blue” — actions to push retailers, corporations and businesses to reduce single-use plastic. It is going to take commitments both large and small to tackle the scale of the current plastic pollution crisis, and we all have a role to play. Every action to reduce single-use plastics sends a message to the industry that it’s time to change. We can no longer allow products that are used for a few seconds to pollute our planet for a lifetime.

A Million Acts of Blue Global Toolkit

Learn Share and Join
Learn Share and Join

Whether you are a teacher, student or concerned individual wanting to learn more about plastic pollution, we have prepared some resources to help you give a presentation to inspire your students, peers or community to join the plastic-free movement.

 Download Action 1

Send a letter to the editor
Send a letter to the editor

Traditional media such as newspapers, TV, magazines and radio and digital format remain some of the best options for reaching large numbers of people. Placing a letter to the editor in your local newspaper can be an effective way to share knowledge with other people in your region. Here are some tips!

 Download Action 2

Help create plastic-free supermarkets
Help create plastic-free supermarkets

Supermarkets are a hub for single-use plastic sales. There are many ways to influence your local grocer or a major supermarket chain. Advocating that your supermarket go plastic-free can help provide the incentive they need to move in the right direction.

 Download Action 3

Get restaurants and cafes to ditch single-use plastics
Get restaurants and cafes to ditch single-use plastics

A growing movement is urging fast-food chains, restaurants and cafes to lead by no longer offering their customers single-use plastic. Don’t underestimate the power of getting even one location to change, you can use it to encourage or pressure other businesses to follow suit!

 Download Action 4

Lobby for a single-use plastic ban
Lobby for a single-use plastic ban

When people think of lobbying they might think of industry- paid lobbyists, but every constituent has a right to share their opinion. Lobbying is an effective strategy to influence the opinion and gain the support of elected officials at all levels of government.

 Download Action 5

Organize a community clean-up and brand audit
Organize a community clean-up and brand audit

Through brand audits, the #BreakFreeFromPlastic movement holds corporations accountable and drives calls for innovation in product packaging and waste management. If you want to host a brand audit in your community, here are some options for you.

 Download Action 6

Start a Plastic-Free Future community group
Start a Plastic-Free Future community group

To stop plastic pollution at its source, we must build a people-powered movement strong enough to challenge mindsets around throwaway culture. Reach out to your community to make change happen together.

 Download Action 7

A Million Acts of Blue complete Toolkit
A Million Acts of Blue complete Toolkit

The complete toolkit consists of seven actions you can take to solve this crisis, along with supporting documents, presentations, and creative materials.

 Download Actions 1-7