Jordan witnessed yesterday extreme weather events such as heavy rains and massive storms

1 March, Amman, Jordan: Jordan witnessed yesterday extreme weather events such as heavy rains and massive storms, that led to flash floods and inundations. These events caused considerable material damage including the collapse of a main street as well as the flooding of a hospital and of the museum of the Roman Amphitheater in Amman.

“These heavy rains and the recent storms that happened in Jordan are not natural phenomena, but rather the heavy price of climate change that Jordanian citizens and other countries around the world are paying” said Julien Jreissati, campaigner at Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa. “The Jordanian government should immediately develop and implement a contingency plan for disaster risk reduction that should be incorporated in civil defence programs and municipality actions. Furthermore, efforts should be pursued to finalise the national adaptation plan”.

Jreissati concluded, “these events are a stark reminder of the importance for the world to move away from fossil fuels, that are the main source of climate change. As a climate vulnerable country, Jordan should lead the transition towards safe and clean renewable energy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.”