Islam and the climate movement have a lot of shared values and principles. They both advocate for the protection of our planet and our environment from unsustainable practices and actions.

Praising him are the seven Heavens, and the earth, and everyone in them. 

There is not a thing that does not glorify Him with praise, but you do not understand 

their praises. He is indeed forbearing and forgiving (Quran 17:44).

Islam recognizes that every creation in the Heavens and on Earth praises and glorifies Allah as the Creator. Yet, as mortal human beings, can we perceive the praises and glorification made by the innumerable species coexisting with us on this planet and beyond? The Quran, offers a wealth of insight and perspective on Islamic cosmology and how to care for the planet.

The Quran has also foretold of the imminent dangers brought by destructive human activities, such as the ones we are facing now with the advancing climate crisis:.

Corruption has appeared on land and sea as a result of people’s actions and He will make them taste the consequences of some of their own actions so that they may turn back” (Quran 30:41). 

Therefore, the destruction of the planet – the loss of biodiversity and overexploitation of natural resources on both the land and seas, that we witness today, were foretold by the Islamic holy book. Across the Middle East and North Africa region, we have seen disasters such as storms, droughts, fires and floods, spilling into our cities and homes, claiming lives and livelihoods. The impacts of climate change are impossible to ignore. They are becoming more severe, intense and frequent, an urgent threat to the delicate balance between nature and humankind.

Nature is out of balance and we feel it is our responsibility to respond. Will you join us in this journey? Sign up and we will keep you updated with stories from our region and ways you can choose to participate.

Countless Quranic verses and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad have inspired Muslims throughout the generations to reflect, contemplate and act upon good deeds and to prevent evil and destruction on earth. Human agency resides in the Islamic principle of al-‘amr al-ma’ruf wa al-nahy al-munkar (the promotion of good and prevention of evil)(among others in Quran 9:112 and 31:17). Furthermore, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) specifically teaches the principle of human agency by saying:

Whosoever of you see evil [or destruction], let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart—and that is the weakest faith (Shahih Muslim No.34).

Islam provides a fountain of wisdom on how to “walk gently upon the earth”, and showcase love and care for the planet and all of Allah’s creation. The Quran challenges Muslims and non-Muslims alike to think, reflect on and ponder the wonders of the universe and His creation: 

On earth, there are signs for those with sure faith—and in yourselves too, do you not see?— in the sky is your sustenance and all that you are promised (Quran 51:20-22).

God’s creations deserve protection from all of us…We humans, as stewards of this earth, should take care of it and this is an urgent responsibility we share, more now than ever before.

Nature is out of balance and we feel it is our responsibility to respond. Will you join us in this journey? Sign up and we will keep you updated with stories from our region and ways you can choose to participate.

We are interested in working with associations and individuals who have experience in this field to work together on how to build a coalition that shared the same cause and share ideas together. Please contact us if you are one of these people because we would like to work with you.



This project is a collaboration between Greenpeace MENA and our allies to embark on a journey, to explore, strengthen and contribute to the climate movement in the Muslim world.