Experts say that extreme heat waves will become increasingly frequent and severe due to climate change in the coming years. Here are some tips for preventing heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke and heat stress, during episodes of extreme heat.

Scorching temperatures continue to rise in several countries in the region. Cities in Kuwait and Iraq witnessed several record temperatures that reached 52.8 degrees Celsius, raising widespread concern regarding public safety and how to deal with the heat stress that the body is subjected to during extreme heat waves.

Knowing how to stay cool and hydrated will make it easier to endure a heatwave. Here are a few health recommendations to regulate body temperature and keep you safe during episodes of extreme heat:

* Fossil fuels are turbo-charging extreme weather events and people all over the world are suffering the consequences. While international Oil and Gas Companies count their billions, vulnerable communities especially in the Global South are counting the losses from the record-breaking floods, wildfires, droughts, and heatwaves that these companies are fueling. This is the stark reality of climate injustice, and we must end it! It is time to force big oil companies to stop expanding oil and gas production around the world and to bear the cost of the climate devastation they are causing everywhere.