In Response to the release of the International Energy Agency report, Net Zero Roadmap: A Global Pathway to keep the 1.5ºC Goal in Reach:

Ghiwa Nakat, The executive director of Greenpeace MENA, said:

“Yes we can! We knew it and the latest IEA report confirms it yet again. The global pathway to net zero by 2050 that will keep the planet within the 1.5c warming limit remains both feasible and urgent. The only thing standing in its way is the absence of political will. What the world urgently requires is decisive climate leadership to put an immediate end to all new fossil fuels projects and double down on a fast, fair and funded phase out of oil, gas and coal to accompany a fast, fair and funded phase in of renewable energy. 

As we approach the COP28 in Dubai, we urge Arab governments to rise up to the task and champion a historic agreement that will end the era of fossil fuels. Anything short of that will be considered a failure.”