I call on you to start planting the first seeds of a safer future by joining me in signing this pledge that links words to actions, in order to achieve success together.

Guest blog by Dr. Odeh Al-Jayousi, Researcher, International Expert on Sustainability and Innovation and Author of “Islam & Sustainability”

Every living creature brings value to the world we live in. The value of every person lies in his or her ability to give, the value of trees in the good fruits they reap, and the value of birds in the beautiful melodies they fill life with.

We, as human beings, are trustees of this earth, and have a profound responsibility to protect all forms of wildlife on it from forests to rivers and oceans.

Preserving and protecting the environment is a deeply rooted principle in the Islamic faith, as it is an essential source of food and life. Our role as human beings is to maintain the earth, and this is manifested by bringing happiness to humans and protecting all living organisms. This is clearly emphasized in the hadith “If a Muslim plants a tree or grow grains and a bird, a person or an animal eats from it will be counted as a charity for him.” (Narrated by Muslim). The concept of green giving ultimately leads to reducing mankind’s environmental footprint and contributes to water and food security for sustainable cities.

Stemming from our responsibility to maintain planet earth and improve the quality of life, we must engage in environmental charity and sustainable green giving. By making the world greener we eliminate dangers of pollution and climate change, and instill hope for a safer future for the next generation.

I call on you to start planting the first seeds of a safer future by joining me in signing this pledge that links words to actions, in order to achieve success together.

About Prof. Odeh Al-Jayousi, – Prof. Al-Jayyousi is a researcher and an international expert on sustainability and innovation. He was the vice president for science and research at the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) in Jordan and has worked as the regional director for IUCN – The International Union for Conservation of Nature- Middle East. He is the author of a book titled “Islam and Sustainable Development”, UK, (2012).

Better Days Are Coming Ramadan 2020

This ramadan i pledge to make a better world

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