As we look to the future, today’s youth are on the brink of stepping into pivotal roles—parents, leaders, educators, and innovators.

Previous generations have struggled to achieve inclusive sustainable development, often prioritizing growth, greed and extractivism, leaving people and the planet behind. However, young people are at the forefront, tirelessly working to advance climate and social justice in every aspect.

In a world overshadowed by the daunting specter of climate change and compound crises, one resounding truth emerges: “The future of the world belongs to the youth of the world,” as the pioneering trade unionist Tom Mann once said.  The destiny of our planet rests in the capable hands of a generation that bears the brunt of the climate crisis consequences, whether that is the health effects, relocating to find employment, or dealing with the resource scarcity and the conflicts caused by climate change. 

In recent years, the global youth climate movement has led the charge against climate change, compelling leaders to take more ambitious action. Figures like Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate and many more have been instrumental in pressuring decision-makers to elevate their climate commitments. Youth have earned a crucial seat at the table, reshaping civic engagement, policy, and the very foundations of our political systems in a more progressive direction.

Achieving climate justice necessitates a paradigm shift that empowers young people to take a central role in shaping our climate’s future. At Greenpeace MENA, we recognize the vital role of youth, particularly in a region where over half the population is under 30 Our commitment to empowering young people is manifested through initiatives like the climate justice camp in Tunisia and Lebanon , which brought together over two consecutive years more than 500 young change-makers from the Global South. This gathering was designed to overcome resource disparities that hinder effective advocacy, fostering a community united in its pursuit of systemic change… By empowering young people, we can forge a brighter and more just future for our planet.

The recent COP27 and COP28 conferences, held in Egypt and Dubai, marked a groundbreaking moment by including climate-vulnerable youth in decision-making processes. Our delegations at COP 27 and COP 28 of youth from Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, the Philippines, and Kenya represented some of the most affected communities, playing a critical role in advancing climate justice discussions. Greenpeace MENA is committed to amplifying the voices of youth, ensuring their struggles and perspectives resonate globally. We will always provide a platform for voices from the Global South to tell their stories through the lens of justice. Strong youth participation is crucial for planetary protection and the foundation of a sustainable future for all.

Heartfelt word to the youth, the leaders of tomorrow:

Life’s journey is full of ups and downs.Embrace each experience as it comes, for every challenge teaches valuable lessons and builds resilience. Always be ready to rise after every fall and never relinquish your aspirations. Each misstep is a lesson in disguise, shaping you into the person you are destined to become.

Remember, everyone has a unique purpose; take time to find yours. Explore your passions and interests, and reflect on moments when you’ve been most engaged. Combine these with your talents and consider how they can address global needs. Discover what you love, use your strengths, and tackle global challenges. This alignment leads to personal and professional excellence, empowering you to make a meaningful impact, not just fill a role, but to make a significant impact on the world around you.

This International Youth Day, as we celebrate the innovative spirit and unwavering dedication of young people, we are reminded of their essential role in sculpting a sustainable future. Their resilience and creativity are revolutionizing the fight against climate change, proving that the bold visions and actions of today’s youth are the cornerstone of a brighter tomorrow.

Every day, not just today, we stand by the youth as they pave the way to a brighter and better world.

Protect what you love!

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