The second edition of the climate justice Camp that took place in Lebanon between 28 August and 2 September was an incredible experience full of hope, laughter, and solidarity. Most importantly, it concluded with climate justice heroes coming together for change. Across six days, the attendees took part in more than 100 interactive workshops, told stories, shared experiences, networked, strategized and more! Here are some of the highlights.

Arrival of the participants

Participants from every corner of the world started arriving at the camp early on Sunday 27 August, following a week of  preparations by a committed team to create a beautiful space of solidarity. We received 450 people in 24 hours and we were so happy to see some old faces from the camp in Tunisia last year and some new people who were excited for a once in a lifetime experience.

Photo Credit: Pamela EA

A rainy welcome

After a sudden rainy welcome during the first day of the camp, the participants showcased pieces of textiles which they brought from their homes representing their stories. They wrote messages of hope, solidarity and action on these. The rain was considered as a blessing and set a positive tone for the rest of our time in Lebanon.

Photo Credit: photo bye Marie Jacquemin

Dabkeh, community visits, and living books.

The Climate Justice Camp participants energized themselves by learning the traditional Lebanese dance, Dabkeh and performing it whenever the moment allowed! 

During the week, visits to two local impacted communities took place, where participants learnt about the issues faced by the people there and how they are moving forward and being resilient. 

In the evenings, during two human LIVErary sessions, the participants shared the powerful and personal stories of themselves and their communities and how those experiences changed their view of the world.

Photo Credit: photo bye Marie Jacquemin

A hand in the making.

Across the week, the camp attendees co-created a sculpture in the shape of a giant hand as a symbol of solidarity for climate justice. It weaved together hundreds of pieces of materials and textiles participants’ brought from their homes, representing stories of resilience, action, and hope.

Photo Credit: photo bye Marie Jacquemin

Final ceremonies!

To bring the Climate Justice Camp to a close, participants gathered at sunset around the hand that they collectively constructed with the artist Pierre Abboud. According to Pierre the hand is “a creative act of solidarity crafted by hundreds of young people coming together from around the world. Each piece of material tells a personal story, and woven together they form a hand that symbolizes the unity we feel in this gathering for climate justice”.

During the final night, participants wore the traditional clothes of their countries and spent an evening of cultural exchange, laughter, and fun together.

Video Credit: Roukoz Alam

Until we meet again with stronger bonds, many more achievements and one step closer to climate justice!