This is an Arab crisis

The FSO SAFER is an abandoned oil tanker in Yemen that could cause a massive oil spill at any moment, with incalculable impacts for the livelihoods of our Arab coastal communities in the Red Sea and especially for our Yemeni brothers and sisters, who are already suffering enough. So far, out of the 11 countries and parties that have committed funds for the urgent operation of the UN to remove the oil, only one of them is a member state of the Arab League. Sign this petition to urge Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheith, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, to push for an emergency meeting of the member states on funding the plan. It is time for the League of Arab States to play a leading role in resolving what is first and foremost an Arab crisis that will devastate our communities in the region and the natural wonders of the Red Sea for decades to come. The clock is ticking. The money needs to be raised this month so that the operation can happen before October, when the wind and the currents will be too dangerous.