
May 2016

Greenpeace Mediterranean considers the Lebanese government waste management plan as completely inadequate, irresponsible and dangerous with significant environmental and health impacts at the national and at the Mediterranean Sea level. Greenpeace Mediterranean, together with the environmental movement has been campaigning in Lebanon since the 1990’s for a sustainable waste management plan based on sound environmental and social principles and towards a vision of zero waste society. These principles are well anchored in the current demands of the Lebanese civil society, a demand that Greenpeace Mediterranean supports. However, today more than ever, it is clear that the waste management issue in Lebanon is not due to a lack of solutions nor a lack of knowledge. The source of this crisis originates from a blatant lack of political will from the Lebanese decision makers to take forward a waste management plan that prioritises the health of their citizens, our environment as well as Lebanon’s regional and international commitments

:Greenpeace Mediterranean calls for

A complete halt to the development of Burj Hammoud and Costa Brava coastal landfills

A complete halt to the dumping of unsorted and untreated waste in the Naameh landfill

A complete halt to the plan of constructing incinerators in Lebanon

As applied by several municipalities across the country, individual municipalities and unions of municipalities are encouraged to join forces and develop local solutions following the principles presented in Greenpeace Mediterranean’s position  paper on the Lebanese government waste management plan 

In the same lines, Greenpeace believes there is a need for the development and implementation of a national strategy in phase with the municipal solid waste management principles also presented in the Greenpeace Mediterranean’s Position paper