Our MAKE SMTHNG Weekend was filled with the lively chatter of people learning new skills and exchanging ideas. But it was the familiar faces of our volunteers that really tugged at our heartstrings and held part of the biggest impact to us. For instead of recovering from a long work week, they chose to travel from afar and across state lines to spend their precious weekend with us.

Here are a few snippets of their experiences as they kept an eye on helping us out to welcome new visitors who flocked in droves to the workshops.

A weekend of “Binge Making”

By Faria Hossain

Last year, I got to know about Greenpeace via their benevolent programme known as “MAKE SMTHNG Week” (MSW). I was surely impressed by their idea of bringing and gathering people to create or make something, which would be environmental friendly and also reduce the idea of consumerism. It’s what first made me interested to volunteer for Greenpeace Malaysia.

One year later, I got a great chance to be a volunteer for the same event. The idea of this event was the same as last year, which is #buynothing and #makesomething. However, there were a lot of new and fascinating skills that I got to learn through the workshops provided by Greenpeace. These workshops included teaching people how to make terrariums in small used jars, dream catcher out of old clothes and materials, tutorials on coffee painting, candle-making from used cooking oil, bamboo tongs for picking up rubbish, and many more.

I enjoyed all of them, which I was able to attend while I was also busy doing henna designs and temporary tattoos on the visitors and other volunteers’ hands. I truly had fun doing that as I got to know a lot of people while talking and making their hands more attractive. The other activities like, board game were also fun playing.

Faria Hossain volunteered to imprint her delicate henna and temporary tattoo designs at MSW 2019

It was a relief to see initiatives like the swap project and zero-waste store as they showed a great example of minimalism. While I enjoyed the food and craft done by Rohingya Women’s Development Network (RWDN) too, despite the fact that the food was spicy.

I appreciate Greenpeace from the bottom of my heart to arrange this event where I learnt more on creating than consuming. It was surely a productive weekend for me!

Menjaga Bumi

By Faridah Hanim Mohd Ayub

Pengalaman saya sebagai salah seorang sukarelawan Greenpeace dalam program MAKE SMTHNG Week (MSW) pada tahun lepas (2018) dan tahun ini (2019) adalah sangat hebat dan menakjubkan!? Saya dan juga para pengunjung berkesempatan menyertai pelbagai aktiviti menarik seperti Candle-Making Using Used Cooking Oil, DIY Bamboo Tongs, Hand-stitched Scrapbook/Journal Making, Yoga Session, Art Session, Repurposed Clothes, Upcycling, dan macam-macam lagi.

Apa yang istimewa tentang MSW adalah tentang konsepnya iaitu berkongsi daya cipta baru, mengguna semula barang terpakai, creating zero waste, dan juga ke arah mengamalkan gaya hidup yang sihat! Apa yang lebih menarik adalah pengunjung yang hadir terdiri daripada pelbagai peringkat umur daripada kanak-kanak sehingga ke dewasa malahan warga emas juga turut serta.

Faridah Hanim Mohd Ayub at MSW 2019

Saya rasa sangat terharu kerana masih ada masyarakat di luar sana yang cakna tentang isu alam sekitar dan mempunyai perasaan sama iaitu ingin menjaga bumi daripada terus musnah dek perbuatan manusia sendiri. Saya menimba banyak pengetahuan tentang alam sekitar sepanjang MSW berlangsung malah ingin mengubah gaya hidup saya ke arah yang lebih lestari.

Saya amat berharap aktiviti MSW ini masih akan diteruskan pada masa hadapan dan akan mengajak lebih ramai masyarakat di luar sana untuk turut serta dan sama-sama menjadikan bumi kita lebih sihat! ??

Make Something Week; The Journey So Far

By Azarul Einhander

For what it’s worth, I had merely glanced at this Make Something Week sometime last year and had not given it any more thought. I am glad that I gave it a chance as it has most definitely an experience most, if not all, would appreciate.

 It all started last year, where I was told to give the “Make Something Week” by Greenpeace a visit. Though my expectations at the time was low, I had thought it might bring good content. “It’s Greenpeace after all”, I mused. That day, I learned not only I was living a blessed ignorant life, I also learned that I was not the only one.

 There was so many things that I, as a person, can do. Not just recycling or upcycling materials, I could make mulch out of food waste, make delicious meals from vegetable ingredients, learn to reduce the use of plastics and so much more!

 Yet, there was something missing. Despite me having fun on that day, I didn’t feel that I belong.

 Until I visited Make Something Week again, this year.

 It was an experience that I had not expected. The warm welcome, the laughter and the fun times. This year, Make Something Week was a special event. This year, I felt belonged.

Azarul Einhander (right) at MSW 2019.

 The workshops were honest and true, you can feel the people being genuine and passionate in teaching and helping you experience the activity. From where I had a hand in making macrame, learning its intricacies in winding and folding and knotting itself into a basket. Or when I was building a terrarium, mixing the pebbles and sand, then building on the foundation a small, minute green forest. Like something out of fantasy, living and breathing in a tiny little jar.

 Then I learned about minimalism living. Where the life I lived could be compressed and contextualised to fit my lifestyle, with little to no negative ecological impact. Living this way leaves the smallest carbon footprint and economical to boot! Then I learn of making candles out of used cooking oil! Complete with fragrances and colours! I tried to be creative in making a multicolour candle only to see it mixed and turned into an abstract of a candle. However, with enough practice, I’m sure I can make it grandeur art that I imagined it to be!

 People were mingling and laughing, you can see their eyes light up with wonder and amazement. They were truly enjoying the experience of the workshops and knowing that it is actually ecological is not half-bad either! The journey that I had compared from last year was a stark contrast. The participation this year was far more enthusiastic and I, as a denizen of mother earth, am glad that I was a part of it.

 You can be sure that I’ll join again next year.

Open Mic fo the kids of SUKA Studio

By Nina Nasir

Greenpeace Malaysia did it. We couldn’t ask for a better environment and support team to boost the kids confidence. On the 23rd Nov, we took the opportunity to introduce our students to real-life leaders and the chance to be part of an active campaign as speakers. This was indeed part of their training, and a great session it was!

SUKA Studio founder Nina Nasir (second from left) coaching her students at MSW 2019.

Primarily, SUKA Studio crafts programmes for children to grow into leaders. As a leadership-inspired organisation, it was very important for us to share real-life experiences with the children, and introduce them to leaders who have made a difference – their learning becomes much more relatable for the kids! We have been studying the topic of “Single-use plastic” over the past few weeks, and found that the event validated their learnings and inspired them to be influencers. Our current programme focus on communication and public speaking. We realized that it is an important part of the learning curve for our students to understand “why speak?”. As campaigners, words are powerful and effective communication is a driver.

Our students now have a deeper understanding on the power of speech, and how fun it can be! They now come back inspired to create speeches that can change the world. Do check out our activities on www.instagram.com/suka.studio/

We look forward to more events like this.

Faria Hossain, Faridah Hanim Mohd Ayub, and Azarul Einhander are Greenpeace Malaysia volunteers. Nina Nasir is the founder of SUKA Studio.


15,000 volunteers around the world help Greenpeace to do everything from painting signs and organising local marches, to dropping banners and occupying oil-rigs. Sign up as a Greenpeace Malaysia volunteer today

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