Our work is possible because of you!

Our campaigns are 100% independently funded by supporters just like you so we can remain fiercely independent. We don’t accept funding from corporations, political parties or governments and remain free from their bias.

How we use your donation

All income and assets are applied solely in pursuit of our charitable purpose.

Primarily, our funds are used to pay for all the campaigns that we run, from safeguarding our oceans to ending the age of plastics, dealing with climate change and promoting environmentally sustainable solutions. A portion of any funds we raise is also re-invested to ensure long-term stability and steady growth of our organisation. And finally, we spend a portion of the money raised on governance and administration to help ensure our organisation is run efficiently and effectively, with optimum oversight.

We also receive some grant money from Greenpeace International, based in Amsterdam, and from private foundations and organisations for specific enviromental projects.

Direct Bank Transfer

Bank Name: Maybank
Account holder: Greenpeace South East Asia Berhad
Account Number: 5142 5353 0477

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