Global Plastics Treaty

With plastic pollution present in almost every corner of the planet, endangering the health of both humans and the environment as well as accelerating the climate crisis, now more than ever do we need to support a strong Global Plastics Treaty to solve this crisis.

Sofía Gómez, Influencer and Freediver. © Diana Rey Melo / Greenpeace

The roadblocks

The Global Plastics Treaty talks, started in 2022, aim for a plastic-free future by 2024. Powerful industries lobby against strict regulations, and some nations hesitate to commit, making these goals hard to achieve. We must demand transparency, accountability, and ambitious targets to overcome these obstacles and push for a treaty that limits plastic production and use. Without strong rules, the treaty risks being ineffective.

What can be done

To ensure the Global Plastics Treaty delivers, we need collective action. Advocate for stronger policies, support marginalised communities affected by plastic pollution, and join the global movement against plastic. We need to tell world leaders to champion a strong Global Plastics Treaty during upcoming negotiations, so we can finally turn off the tap and end the age of plastic by limiting plastic production and use. Together, we can create a sustainable future.

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