Who we are

Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice.

We are a global environmental organization dedicated to protecting the planet’s future. Active in over 55 countries, we expose environmental problems and advocate for solutions through nonviolent means like protests, research, impactful campaigns, creative demonstrations, and grassroots organizing.

Our vision is clear. Fighting for a greener and more peaceful world. For Everyone. Always.

Some people look at a forest, and all they see is lumber. But there are millions more who see a home, a heritage, a future. Around the globe, we are standing up for our communities, and we are holding governments and corporations accountable.

We are independent and funded solely by ordinary people, allowing us to confront governments and corporations responsible for environmental destruction and push for real change.

We value diversity, both in nature and within our organization. Believing in the power of people, we collaborate with nonprofits, activist groups, local communities, volunteers, donors, and everyday citizens, learning from one another.

Our mission

Our goal is to ensure the Earth’s ability to nurture life in all its diversity. This means we aim to protect biodiversity in all its forms, prevent pollution and the abuse of the Earth’s oceans, land, air, and fresh water, and end all nuclear threats. We also strive to promote peace, global disarmament, and non-violence.

Our history

For over 50 years, we’ve taken action worldwide to speak truth to power and stop environmental destruction.

First Global Greenpeace Meeting. © Greenpeace / Rex Weyler

Our founders

In Vancouver, it’s joked anyone at a bar might claim to have founded Greenpeace, but its origins are distinct.

Rainbow Warrior Climate Justice Ship Tour in Malaysia. © Joshua Paul / Greenpeace

Our ships

Our ships tackle nuclear tests, document ocean plastics, research Arctic climate change, and stop illegal Amazon timber.

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Together we are part of a growing, global movement determined to bring about the changes our planet desperately needs.