Balloon Climate Message for Governor Newsom in California. © Josh Edelson / Greenpeace

General Frequently Asked Questions

All your general questions about Greenpeace answered here.

About Greenpeace

What is Greenpeace?

Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organisation that uses creative, confrontational and non-violent action to uncover global environmental problems and encourage solutions that enable the realisation of a peaceful, greener future.

How does Greenpeace help the environment?

Greenpeace runs campaigns to address pressing environmental issues like climate change and justice, deforestation, pollution, renewable energy. Through advocacy, research and investigations, and grassroots organising, we raise awareness, push for policy changes, and hold governments and corporations accountable for their environmental impact.

Other than that, we draw attention to environmental issues and pressure decision-makers to make action with direct action tactics (e.g., peaceful protests and creative stunts).

How does Greenpeace ensure transparency and accountability in its operations?

Greenpeace works to ensure transparency and public accountability in its campaigning, fundraising and financial management practices. Regularly, Greenpeace publishes public reports and updates on activities, campaigns, and finances on our website. Learn more about our work on our report page.

How can I get involved with Greenpeace?

Greenpeace is an independent, non-profit organisation where we don’t accept funding from the government and corporations but depend on amazing people like you to help us make Malaysia greener and healthier. Our regular donations are super flexible, you can cancel anytime. We completely understand that making a donation is not always possible – and that’s 100% okay! And there are plenty of other ways to get involved and support our campaign work, including signing a petition, sharing our campaign messages with your friends and family, or by becoming a valued member of the team as a volunteer.

Can I support Greenpeace if I am under 18?

Of course! No matter how old you are, we would love for you to get involved in our activities for younger people. You can learn about how to adapt a green lifestyle, spreading awareness among peers, and signing a petition on Take Action.

How is Greenpeace organised? Who runs Greenpeace?

Greenpeace operates as a global organisation with a decentralised structure. We have national and regional offices around the world, each with its own staff, volunteers, and campaigns tailored to the specific environmental challenges and opportunities in their respective regions.

At the international level, Greenpeace is governed by the Greenpeace International Board, which monitors and sets the organisation’s overall direction and strategy. The Board consists of representatives from Greenpeace’s national and regional offices, as well as independent experts.

Greenpeace is also led by an Executive Director, who oversees the day-to-day operations of the organisation and works closely with the International Board to implement its decisions and priorities.

Ultimately, Greenpeace is powered by a global network of passionate activists, supporters, and volunteers who work together to drive positive change for the planet.

Does Greenpeace protect animals?

Yes. As part of our mission, we help protect biodiversity. Protecting nature means protecting the livelihood for both humans and wildlife alike.

Does Greenpeace provide educational resources on environmental issues?

Absolutely! Greenpeace provides educational materials, such as articles, reports, fact sheets, infographics, videos, and interactive tools throughout our website and social media accounts. 

You can also check out our blog posts on suggestions about how to live a greener lifestyle. We also send a monthly newsletter to keep our supporters informed with our updates and educational resources, you can subscribe to our newsletter here.

Is Greenpeace all about recycling?

No, we are not solely about recycling. While recycling is an important aspect of environmental conservation, Greenpeace’s mission extends far beyond recycling efforts. We focus on a wide range of environmental issues, including climate change, deforestation, pollution, renewable energy, and environmental justice. You can discover more of what we do on Our Work page.

I’m an artist, how do I collaborate with Greenpeace?

We appreciate your passion for environmental activism and your desire to contribute your creative talents to our cause! Please reach out to us at [email protected] and provide the following information: 

1. Yourself and your artistic background
2. 1-2 samples of your artwork
3. Any collaboration ideas you have in mind

While specific collaboration opportunities may vary, we value the contributions of artists and are open to exploring potential collaborations that align with our campaign priorities and objectives.

I’m from a local nonprofit organisation, how do I collaborate with Greenpeace?

We welcome collaborations with local non-profit organisations aligned with our mission. Please reach out to us at [email protected] with information about your organisation and proposed collaboration ideas. While specific opportunities may vary, we’re open to partnerships that amplify our collective impact for a greener future.

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