Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future

Imagine a world where forests flourish and oceans are full of life. Where energy is as clean as a mountain stream. Where everyone has security, dignity, and joy. Together, we can build this future. Explore our work to see how we are making this vision a reality.

Get to know us

Greenpeace takes peaceful action to confront decision-makers and hold them accountable to people and the planet. We work with a diversity of communities in Malaysia to promote peace, to develop effective solutions to environmental problems and to inspire others to create positive change in their own lives.

How do we work to achieve our goals?

We use a combination of research, advocacy, peaceful direct action, and public engagement to address environmental issues. We investigate environmental problems, campaign for solutions, and work with communities, governments, and businesses to implement change.

What are our main strategies for activism?

Our strategies include non-violent direct action, such as peaceful protests and creative demonstrations, to raise awareness and pressure decision-makers. We also conduct scientific research, engage in legal advocacy, and mobilize public support through campaigns and online actions.

How do we ensure our campaigns are effective and impactful?

We base our campaigns on scientific evidence and expert analysis to ensure credibility. We engage with stakeholders at all levels, from local communities to global organizations, to build alliances and advocate for policy change. Transparency and accountability are fundamental principles guiding our actions.

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Together we are part of a growing, global movement determined to bring about the changes our planet desperately needs.