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[성명서] 현대차는 LNG발전소 계획을 즉각 철회해야 한다

글: 그린피스 서울사무소, 청소년기후행동, Action Speaks Louder


  • 재생에너지 확대를 통한 기후위기 대응이라는 RE100 가입 취지에 배치
  • 액화천연가스(LNG) 발전소는 이산화탄소감축 기여도 낮고, 메탄 배출 문제도 심각
  • 발전 비용이 빠르게 감소하는 재생에너지와 비교해 경제성도 낮아


지난 4 25현대자동차를 필두로  현대자동차그룹 4개사는 소비 전력의 100% 재생에너지로 조달하겠다는 RE100 이니셔티브에 가입했다그러나 RE100 가입을 알린  2주도  지나지 않은 지난 5 9현대차는 울산공장에 LNG 열병합발전소를 건설하는 계획을 발표했다. RE100 가입  나온 첫번째 발표가 구체적인 재생에너지 활용 로드맵이나 투자 계획이 아닌 184 규모의 화석연료 발전소 건설 계획이다이는 기업들의 자발적인 참여로 재생에너지를 확대해 시장과 정부에 시그널을 주고 나아가 2040년까지 전력망의 이산화탄소배출을 0으로 만듦으로써 기후위기 대응을 가속화하겠다는 RE100 취지와는 정면으로 배치되는 행보이다현대차의 RE100 가입은 기업의 ESG 홍보 수단으로서의 그린워싱임이 명백하다. 우리는 다음과 같은 세가지 이유로 현대차의 LNG 발전소 건설 결정을 강하게 비판한다

청소년기후행동 활동가가 2022년 5월 27일 서울 현대자동차 본사 앞에서 현대차의 LNG 발전소 건설 계획을 비판하는 현장 활동을 벌이고 있다. 청소년기후행동

첫째, LNG발전소 건설을 통해 이산화탄소 배출량을 줄인다는 현대차의 주장은 어불성설이다

 현대차는 한국에서 단기적으로 재생에너지 도입이 어려우며, LNG발전소를 통해 에너지 효율을 높이고 이산화탄소배출량도 줄일  있다고 주장한다그러나 이러한 현대차의 주장은 어불성설이며, LNG 발전소를 통해서는 이산화탄소 배출량을 감축할  없다당장은 신규 LNG발전소를 건설해 전기를 생산하는 것이 한전으로부터 전력을 공급받는 것에 비해 더 적은 이산화탄소를 배출하는 것처럼 보일 수 있다. 이는 국내 전력망의 화석연료 비중이 60%가 넘고, 그중에서도 석탄발전소의 비중이 가장 높기 때문이다. 

 그러나 국가 탄소중립 목표를 달성하는 과정에서 국내 전력망 내 재생에너지 비율은 지금보다 증가할 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 자체 LNG 발전소를 통한 전력 조달은 시간이 가면 갈수록 전력망을 통한 전력 조달과 비교해 감축 효과가 떨어질  아니라 어느 시점부터는 전력 믹스보다  많은 탄소를 배출하게 될 수 있다.  오히려현대차의 LNG발전소는 국내 전력 믹스 상에서의LNG발전소와는 다르게 정책적 개입 마저도 쉽지 않다는 점을 고려할 , LNG발전소 평균 가동기한인 25년여 동안 상당한 수준의 이산화탄소배출이 우려된다현대차는 향후 LNG발전소를 수소 발전소로 전환하여 활용한다고 했지만기술적 한계  그린 수소 조달 등의 현실적 문제점 등을 고려할 때화석연료 설비 투자를 정당화하기 위한 명분에 불과하다. 또한 현대차의 2045 탄소중립 목표 달성을 위한 중간 단계라는 주장과는 달리 LNG발전소 건설은 현대차나아가 국내기후대응에 적합하지 않다.

둘째, 현대자동차의 LNG 발전소 건설 결정은 메탄을 빠르게 줄여나가려는 글로벌 기후대응 흐름과도 배치된다

그동안 LNG발전소는 석탄에 비해 이산화탄소 배출이 적다는 이유로 석탄발전소에서 재생에너지로 전환하는 과정에서의 ‘전환 연료 인식됐다그러나 채굴에서부터 액화운송기화  가스의  생애주기를 고려할 경우 가스발전소의 온실가스 효과는 상당히 과소평가됐다는  여러 연구를 통해 입증됐다가스의  성분은 메탄으로 실제 채굴 과정에서 대기중으로 다량 배출되는데,이러한 메탄이 야기하는 지구온난화 효과는 20년간 이산화탄소의  80배에이른다. 이러한 상황에서  세계적으로 메탄을 시급히 줄여야 한다는 합의가 이뤄졌으며 속도를 내고 있다. 2021 8 6 IPCC 보고서(WG-1) 처음으로 기후변화를 가속화하는 메탄의 역할을 강조하며, “각국은 이산화탄소뿐 아니라 메탄 배출량을 강력하고신속하고지속적으로 감소시켜야 한다 강조했다. 11월엔 미국과 유럽연합(EU) 주도한 ‘글로벌 메탄 서약' 한국을 비롯한 110여개국이 참여했다기후위기 대응을 위해 이산화탄소를 넘어 메탄 가스 감축  필요한 이행방안이 논의되는 상황에서 현대차의 LNG발전소 건설은  세계적 메탄 감축 노력에도 반하는 행보이다.

 셋째현대차의 자체 LNG 발전소는 재생에너지 발전 단가가 빠르게 하락하면서 좌초자산이  가능성이 매우 높다.

현대차의 LNG발전소는 LNG 가격 변동성  에너지원별 가격 등을 고려할  좌초자산 리스크가 상당하다지난 4영국 기반 싱크탱크 ‘카본 트래커'에서 아시아 지역 LNG발전소의 경제성  추이 등을 분석한 보고서는 우크라이나 전쟁 이후 가스 가격은 기록적인 변동폭을 보인다는 점을 지적하며, “가스발전소의 가장  비용이 연료비라는 점을 고려하면 시점에서의 가스 자산 투자는 리스크는 키우는 어리석은 결정"이라고 지적했다. 또한 2025 현대차에서 LNG발전소를 완공할 시점에는 배터리 저장용량까지 갖춘 태양광 시설도 새로운 가스 시설보다 저렴한 투자가  것으로 전망된다재생에너지의 발전 단가가 빠르게 하락하는 상황에서 LNG발전소는 생각보다 이른 시일  좌초자산이  리스크가 상당하다

지난해국제에너지기구(IEA) ‘2050 넷제로 달성 로드맵보고서에서 “2050 넷제로로 가는 길에  이상 화석연료에 대한 투자는 필요없다" 못박았다. 전기차를 생산하는 글로벌 기업으로서 현대차가 가야할 길은 명확하다재무적으로나 환경적으로 의미 없는 화석연료 자산 투자를 철회하고전기차를 생산하는  드는 에너지가 재생에너지로 조달될  있도록 그에 맞는 계획을 설계해야 한다.  


2022년 5월 30일


그린피스  서울사무소           청소년기후행동               Action Speaks Louder



[English Version]

Hyundai should immediately scrap its plan to build an LNG power plant


  • The proposed fossil plant is contrary to RE100, which aims to respond to the climate crisis through the expansion of renewable energy
  • The LNG industry will play at least as big a role as new coal investments in bringing on a climate crisis if all planned projects go-ahead
  • The economic feasibility of building a new LNG power plant is poor when compared to increasingly cost-competitive renewable energy


On April 25, Hyundai Motor Group’s four affiliates, including Hyundai Motor Company, joined the RE100 initiative to source 100% renewable energy. However, on May 9, less than two weeks after the announcement, instead of declaring a roadmap or investment strategy for renewable energy, Hyundai Motor Company announced a plan to build a 184 MW LNG combined cycle power plant at its flagship manufacturing plant in Ulsan. This move is completely contrary to the mission of RE100, which aims to send a signal to the market and governments to accelerate towards zero-carbon electricity grids globally by 2040, with the ultimate objective of tackling the climate crisis.  However, the new fossil plans indicate Hyundai’s goal in joining the global initiative is little more than greenwashing, in order to burnish the company's reputation for sustainability. Hyundai's decision to build an LNG power plant is unacceptable for the following three reasons:

First, Hyundai Motor Company's claim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by constructing an LNG power plant makes no sense.

Hyundai Motor claims it is difficult to source renewable energy in the Korean market in the short term, and that LNG power plants can improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. However, it is not possible to reduce carbon dioxide emissions through LNG power plants. Today, Hyundai makes the questionable assertion that electricity production through a new LNG power plant could emit less CO2 than using electricity supplied from the domestic power grid, which is dependent largely on fossil fuels. 

However, studies assert the LNG industry will play at least as big a role as new coal investments in bringing on a climate crisis if all planned projects go ahead. Furthermore, as the country implements its carbon-neutrality goal, the proportion of renewable energy in the electricity mix will increase.  As this evolves, Hyundai could end up emitting more carbon from its own fossil fuel plant than if it procured electricity directly from the national grid. Also, there would be very little room for policy interventions against this onsite power plant as it is not connected to the grid. This would lead Hyundai to produce a significant amount of carbon dioxide emissions for 25 years, the average operation lifetime of LNG power plants. Hyundai said it would convert its LNG power plant to hydrogen power plants in the future, but considering the technical limitations and practical problems such as green hydrogen procurement, this is just an excuse to justify investment in fossil fuel facilities. Contrary to the claim that it is a transition step, the construction of an LNG power plant is not suitable for Hyundai, nor for domestic climate efforts.

Secondly, Hyundai's decision to build an LNG power plant is not aligned with the global climate efforts to rapidly reduce methane.

In the past, LNG power plants have been recognized as a ‘transition fuel’ in the process of switching coal power plants to renewable energy because they emit less carbon dioxide than coal. However, several studies have proven the greenhouse gas effect of gas power plants is significantly underestimated when the entire life cycle of gas, from mining to liquefaction, transportation, and evaporation is considered. The main component of natural gas is methane, and a large amount is emitted into the atmosphere during the actual extraction and transportation processes. The global warming effect caused by methane is about 80 times that of carbon dioxide over 20 years.

In this context, the consensus has been reached and is accelerating worldwide to urgently reduce methane. In August 2021, the 6th IPCC Report (WG-1) highlighted the role of methane in accelerating climate change for the first time, and stated that countries must strongly, rapidly, and sustainably reduce methane emissions, as well as carbon dioxide. In November, more than 110 countries, including South Korea, participated in the “Global Methane Pledge” led by the United States and the European Union. Hyundai Motor's LNG power plant construction is a move against such global efforts.

Thirdly, Hyundai's LNG power plant is highly likely to become a stranded asset as renewable energy becomes more cost-competitive. 

Hyundai's LNG power plant carries a significant risk of becoming a stranded asset, given the volatility of LNG prices and the declining cost of renewable energy. In April, a report that analysed the economic feasibility and trends of LNG power plants in Asia by the UK-based think tank 'Carbon Tracker' pointed out that gas prices have fluctuated at record levels since the Ukraine crisis. It also stated fuel cost is the biggest burden of gas power plants, hence investing in gas assets at this point is a high risk decision. Indeed, by the time Hyundai completes the LNG power plant in 2025, solar power facilities with battery storage capacity are expected to be cheaper than new gas facilities.

Last year, the International Energy Agency (IEA) made it clear in a report on the roadmap for achieving net zero in 2050 that on the way to net-zero in 2050, investment in fossil fuels is no longer necessary. As a global company that produces electric vehicles, Hyundai has a clear path to take. It is necessary to withdraw investment in fossil fuel assets that are financially risky and environmentally reckless and design a plan to ensure the energy used to produce electric vehicles can be sourced from renewable energy.

MAY 30, 2022

Greenpeace Korea            Youth4ClimateAction           Action Speaks Louder