


1. ナディン from スイス

Today offers a great new opportunity to do something good for yourself, the environment and the animals. #WorldMeatFreeWeek begins today and since I’m already plant based, I’m pledging to take part by trying to shop more organic and local foods. Ella and I have come together to cook up a super fast and yummy meal that was really fun to make! YOU can get involved too! If each one of us makes a small change, we together can make a huge difference. How you take part is really up to you! Don’t feel intimidated, you don’t have to quit meat for the rest of your life. Just see this week as a fun opportunity to try something different and make yourself and the world feel good. ❤️ If you want to take part in #WorldMeatFreeWeek, you can register your pledge on the @Greenpeace website through the link in my bio and also leave a comment to let me know what your pledge is! @greenpeace_switzerland @ellamettler

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2. ジュリア from オーストリア

3. ポリー&ヴィヴィアン from ギリシャ

4、クラウディア from スペイン

SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH ¡Ya está aquí! Esta semana estamos todos juntos en la #WorldMeatFreeWeek y en el vídeo os enseño una de mis recetas favoritas 100% plant based! Una semana, un día, una comida, compartirlo con un amigo… ¡todo cuenta! Y cuantos más seamos y más alto lo digamos ¡mejor! El link de @greenpeace_esp que os he dejado en mi bio está lleno de consejos, trucos, etc. Ahora decidme, ¿vais a hacer el Buddha Bowl o tenéis recetas pensadas? — It’s here! This week we are all together with #WorldMeatFreeWeek and in this video I’m teaching you how to make one of my favorite recipes, 100% plant based! A week, a day, a meal, sharing it with a friend… it all counts! As the more we are, the better! I’ve already registered on @Greenpeace’s website and if you too want to do it I’ll leave the link on my bio, it’s important! Now tell me, are you gonna make the Buddha Bowl or you have some other recipes in mind? . . #vegan #veganrecipes #buddhabowl #vegetarian #recipe

A post shared by Claudia Ayuso (@claudiaayuso) on

5 ケイリーン from フィリピン

Today is the day! __ My pledge is to go meat free on this day, and to continue reducing my overall consumption of meat throughout the rest of this lifetime. I have not yet achived my goal of becoming 100% plant based, but like all things, we just have to trust the process and learn through the journey. __ Living a kinder life isn’t just an overnight change. Like all things, we start small, and grow from there. There are easy things that you can incorporate in your everyday to help save the environment. Like for example, walking more, or maybe refusing single use plastic when you go out to lunch. Sharing with you a video of the 3 things I changed when I started out. Hopefully this helps you make a comitment that works for you. ♻️ __ Take part in #WorldMeatFreeWeek, and register your pledge on the @Greenpeace website through the link in my bio. Also! Don’t forget to leave a comment to let me know what your pledge is! Let’s do this! ✨ @greenpeaceph #greenpeace

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6ティカマポーン from タイ

เริ่มต้นกันแล้วค่ะ สำหรับสัปดาห์งดทานเนื้อสัตว์โลกหรือ #WorldMeatFreeWeek อย่าลืมนะคะ ทานเนื้อสัตว์น้อยลง ทานผักมากขึ้น แต่อย่าลืมทานโปรตีนให้เพียงพอ ให้สารอาหารครบด้วยเนอะ หลายคนพองดทานเนื้อสัตว์อาจจะรู้สึกอ่อนเพลีย โดยเฉพาะกับคนที่ออกกำลังกาย ก็ลองเติมพลังงานด้วยโปรตีนจากพืช ถั่วต่างๆ เติมกล้วย เติมนมถั่วเหลือง เติมน้ำตาลให้พลังงานกันนะคะ ใครยังไม่ร่วมแคมเปญ ร่วมได้ที่ลิงก์นี้เลยค่ะ https://act.gp/2sCxREc หรือใครจะลองทานเพียงวันหนึ่ง มื้อหนึ่งต่อวัน ก็ลองดูกันนะคะ มาเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการเปลี่ยนแปลงกันเนอะ ติดตามข่าวสารเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ @greenpeaceth https://twitter.com/greenpeaceth

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7 ナナ from デンマーク

I dag starter #WorldMeatFreeWeek og jeg har tænkt mig at deltage, ved at leve vegetarisk en hel dag. Læs mere i mit tidligere indlæg om hvorfor. Derfor har jeg handlet til en vegetarisk lasagne, lavet på alle de bedste og friske grøntsager. Du kan også være med, og du bestemmer selv hvordan, hvor længe og hvad du vil gøre. Hvis du vil være med, kan du registrere dig på @Greenpeace’s hjemmeside, igennem linket i min bio. Og jeg ville elske hvis du også ville skrive en kommentar med hvordan du vil gøre det @greenpeacedk . . . . . . . . #sundhed #vægttab #vægttabsrejse #sund #detox #træning #workout #fitness #fitfamdk #weightloss #fitfam #fit #greenpeacedk #vægttabsmotivation #sundlivsstil #health #healthy #sundmad #healthyfood #sundevalg #vegetarian #greenpeace #vegetar #livsstil #livsstilsændring #WorldMeatFreeWeek

A post shared by ✨Nanna Kielgast Freving (@nannafreving) on

8 ノイ・カイ from イスラエル

9 ステファノ from イタリア

Oggi comincia la #WorldMeetFreeWeek ed io voglio fare del mio meglio per dare un contributo a questa fantastica iniziativa. Guardate che bella macedonia a bordo piscina! Partecipate anche voi, un piccolo sacrificio può fare una grande differenza, anche per un solo giorno scegliete frutta e verdura al posto della carne. Se volete anche voi essere parte della #WorldMeetFreeWeek registratevi sul sito di @greenpeace che vi lascio qui sotto. Commentate e condividete in tanti! ~~~ Today #WorldMeetFreeWeek starts and I want to do my best to contribute for this fantastic initiative. Take a look at the delicious fruit salad I’m tasting poolside! Be part of this you too, a small action could make a big difference, even just for one day choose fruit and plants over the meat! If you want to take part in #WorldMeetFreeWeek visit and sign in the @greenpeace website I’ll attach below! Comment and share your pledge!

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世界中のシェフからのインスピレーションやアイディアが得ら流、ビーガンレシピ集もチェックしてくださいね! Recipes for a Healthy World