Tokyo, 16 September 2020 – In response to Yoshihide Suga being selected as the new Prime Minister of Japan, Greenpeace Japan issued the following statement calling for Suga’s government to help build a more resilient, carbon neutral and just society. 

Greenpeace Japan Executive Director, Sam Annesley

As the effects of climate change increasingly strike Japan with ever-greater frequency and ferocity, now is not the time for half-measures. With the new administration, Prime Minister Suga has a great opportunity to chart a new course for a truly sustainable, decarbonised future. We trust that Prime Minister Suga will not waste this chance. 

Prime Minister Suga represents Kanagawa 2nd district in Yokohama; one of the most environmentally progressive cities in Japan and among the first cities in Japan to join the global movement pledging net zero emissions by 2050. Since then, 38 local governments and municipalities nationwide have declared a climate emergency, 152 local governments have announced their commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 [1], and more local governments and municipalities are joining. It is time for the central government to enhance their climate ambition and follow suit by scaling up investment in clean and sustainable technology and infrastructure, which will accelerate green growth and job creation.

Japan has already provided a stimulus package exceeding  230 trillion yen ($2.2 trillion), approximately 40% of GDP, to provide stimulus to the faltering Japanese economy. A “green recovery” that “builds back better”, cutting CO2 emissions while boosting the economy is crucial to helping Japan build a sustainable future for its people. Japan must lay out an economic recovery plan that commits to cutting emissions in line with a 1.5C scenario. As a “Reform” advocate, Prime Minister Suga must lead the renewable energy revolution while also achieving fiscal reform. Japan must and can lift the proportion of renewable energy in its generation to meet the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global heating to 1.5C. As the new administration makes plans to revive the economy and plan for the future, now is precisely the time for Japan to commit to a truly sustainable, equitable and Green Recovery. To not simply build back, but to build back better.

