







Greenpeace Japan announced the following statement on the Japanese exit from the IWC

Hisayo Takada, Program Director of Greenpeace Japan said, “We are pleased that the Government of Japan has announced an end to its whaling in the Antarctic. This is in line with the International Court of Justice judgement that found the whaling Japan had conducted there was not, as claimed, for scientific purposes. But we are concerned that they are walking away from the international conservation body, the IWC.

Our oceans and their ecosystems are under threat from rising sea temperatures and acidification due to climate change, as well as a host of other threats including industrial fishing and plastic pollution.

Increasingly whales are valued for their crucial role in our oceans, and whale watching is booming for tourism globally. At the same time markets for whale meat are continuing to decline.

Whales are directly affected by climate change, plastic pollution, oil exploration, industrial fishing and habitat loss. While these problems require time to be resolved, there are also threats that can be immediately removed, such as commercial whaling, which has been banned internationally for over 30 years.

Now is a critical time for ocean protection. A time when threats to our global oceans are increasing, with direct impacts on species like whales. Right now we need more international cooperation, not less.”