Tokyo, 2 June 2017 – A concerned group of citizens gathered in the front of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo to take part in an emergency action hosted by Greenpeace Japan and Japan to protest the U.S. exit from the Paris Agreement.

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In a series of panels, Greenpeace Japan conveyed the message that “We will move ahead” and emphasized that the world remains committed to upholding its commitments under Paris Agreement, with or without the United States. Simultaneous actions in front of U.S. embassies worldwide will be conducted by each local Greenpeace office to communicate this message. Japan urged world leaders to defend the Paris Agreement while satirizing President Trump’s decision to pull out of the historic climate accord. The organization held a creative action to convey the importance of climate action.

“Almost 200 countries committed to climate action in Paris and only one has decided to withdraw. Climate change is the biggest and immediate threat to the global environment. There is no choice of delay or backward in measures. I am an American, but I will move ahead into the future with world leaders, CEOs and people across the world” said Kendra Ulrich, Senior Global Energy Campaigner with Greenpeace Japan.

Shin Furuno, Japan Divestment Campaigner, stated: “The Trump administration’s decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement is an act that prioritizes the profits of the fossil fuel industry over the future of our planet. As you can see from the numerous fossil fuel divestment commitments made by institutions across the globe, including many U.S. financial institutions and institutional investors, the world is undeniably headed toward a fossil free future. The recent growth in the renewable energy sector is testament to this transition. In addition to strong commitments by countries such as Germany, China, and India, businesses and local governments worldwide have indicated their strong will to take the initiative to combat climate change in support of the Paris Agreement, with or without the United States. President Trump will not be able to stop the global tide of decarbonization.”

Greenpeace Japan and Japan strongly condemn the U.S. government’s announcement on exit from the Paris Agreement. We request that the Japanese government act upon its commitments under the Paris agreement in order to advance the global effort to combat climate change. Japan has expressed its determination to implement its promises made under the Paris Agreement. However, the government is proceeding with plans to build 44 new domestic coal-fired power plants and providing massive funding to coal development projects overseas. There is a clear disparity between the Japanese government’s words and its actions. The Japanese government should immediately reconsider its energy policy based on unsustainable energy sources such as coal and nuclear, and commit to shifting to an energy policy based on 100% renewable energy sources.

Photos from the joint action can be downloaded here:

Media Contact:
Chisato Jono (Greenpeace Japan) Email: [email protected] Tel: +81-80-6558-4446
Marie Tanao ( Japan) Email: Tel: +81-90-2183-2113
Masayoshi Iyoda (Kiko Network) Email: [email protected] Tel. +81-90-3557-3610