国際環境NGOグリーンピース・ジャパンは本日12月3日、関西電力の高浜原発3、4号機再稼働に関して野瀬豊高浜町長が同意を表明したことに対し、これを批判する声明を発表しました。 =ENGLISH BELLOW=



注1) 関西広域連合による「原子力防災対策に関する申し入れ」

注2)http://www.nhk.or.jp/bunken/summary/yoron/social/pdf/151017.pdf” target=”_blank”>NHK「高浜原発の再稼働に関する調査(2015年10月)」より

Takahama Town mayor ignores unsolved safety issues, approves Takahama reactor restarts

Local consent standard still not met

Tokyo, December 3, 2015 _ Today, the mayor of Takahama Town made the unfortunate and premature decision to approve the operation of Takahama 3 & 4, owned by Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCO), even while the restart is still barred by the Fukui District Court due to significant outstanding safety issues. The court ruled in April 2015 that operating of the two reactors would be a violation of citizens’ constitutionally protected right to human dignity due to the unresolved problems.

Despite the approval of Yutaka Nose, the mayor of Takahama in this one small community, the potential impacts of a disaster at the Takahama reactor site extend far beyond the immediate vicinity of the reactors _ a reality witnessed by the fact that the powerful Union of Kansai Governments has twice issued, in December 2014 and April 2015, lists of demands it asks be addressed prior to restart. These demands include a formal role in the restart decision-making process, safety agreements with all municipalities in the emergency planning zone, and the central government taking responsibility for ensuring adequate evacuation plans.

“While the Takahama Town mayor has prematurely granted approval for the operation of the Takahama 3&4 reactors, this should not be accepted as meeting the need for local consent. A recent opinion poll clearly showed that roughly half of Takahama Town residents are concerned about the inadequate evacuation plan and are dissatisfied with the public briefings regarding restart. The Union of Kansai Governments, representing 21 million potentially impacted people, has twice demanded a formal role in the restart process and issued lists of demands that need to be met prior to restart. To date, those demands remain largely unanswered and unacknowledged,” said Mamoru Sekiguchi, Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace Japan.

The majority of Takahama Town residents agree that consent extends far beyond their town borders, with over 60% stating in a recent NHK poll that people outside the community should have a say in whether the reactors restart.

“The district court barred the Takahama reactors from restarting due to the fact that operation with the current significant outstanding safety issues would constitute a violation of human rights. Given that millions of people would be put at undue risk by restart, any local consent must include all communities that are potentially impacted by a disaster. To restart the reactors without that broader consent would be yet another failure on the part of Japan’s nuclear village to learn the lessons of the Fukushima disaster,” said Kendra Ulrich, Senior Global Energy Campaigner for Greenpeace Japan.

The unresolved issues with the restart of the Takahama 3 & 4 reactors include, seismic issues, spent nuclear fuel pool vulnerability, a lack of an offsite seismically sound emergency command center. In addition, there is no feasible emergency plan in place, with sections of the only evacuation road available in a tsunami flood zone.

KEPCO appealed the injunction barring restart. A decision on the appeal is expected in the next months. Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) has yet to complete inspections at the two reactors.

All nine of KEPCO’s nuclear reactors remain shutdown _ Takahama Units 3 and 4 have not operated since February 2012 and July 2011, respectively. Of the 43 remaining commercial reactors in Japan, 41 are still closed.

Notes to the Editor

2015 October 2: NHK survey regarding the restart of the Takahama reactors (see, questions 4, 6, and 9): http://www.nhk.or.jp/bunken/summary/yoron/social/pdf/151017.pdf
