国際環境NGOグリーンピース・ジャパンは、本日11月25日、国際署名「辺野古・大浦湾を海洋保護区に」(英語名 “Save The Dugongs”)」28,759筆を海外から集め、安倍晋三首相に宛てて防衛省普天間代替推進グループに提出しました。 =English Below=

また、署名提出にさきがけて防衛省前で行ったアピール行動には、グリーンピースのスタッフやボランティアら総勢14名が参加しました。ジュゴンに扮したグリーンピースのスタッフなどが「辺野古・大浦湾を保護区に」「Save the Dugongs」と書かれたバナーを掲げ、辺野古での新基地建設は大浦湾の埋め立てを伴う大規模な環境破壊であり、ジュゴンやアオサンゴの大群集に象徴されるような豊かで貴重な生態系の保護を求めました。


グリーンピース・ジャパン海洋生態系担当 小松原和恵は「9万人近い署名は、豊かな環境と平和を守りたいと願う沖縄の人々が世界に共鳴した結果です。日本政府が国内外の声を無視し、適切な環境アセスメントを行わないまま工事を強行すれば、世界からの信頼は失われるでしょう。日本政府は市民の声に耳を傾け、新基地建設を中止すべきです。」と訴えました。





Press Release

November 25, 2015

Thousands express global support for Okinawa campaign to cancel U.S. base and save dugongs

Tokyo, 25 November 2015 – Today Greenpeace Japan delivered over 28,759 signatures from 164 countries and regions to Japan’s Ministry of Defense, as a sign of global solidarity for the Okinawan’s struggle to save the last remaining Japanese dugongs.

Okinawa’s Oura Bay in Henoko, Okinawa is the last home of the rare dugong and a haven for marine life. Under plans for a U.S. military airbase the area will be landfilled. Eighty per cent of Okinawan people are against the airbase construction.

“Messages of support for the campaign to save the dugong are pouring in. There is growing opposition to airbase construction plans in Okinawa. The more the authorities try to silence local voices, the stronger the solidarity gets, in Japan and across the globe,” said Kazue Komatsubara, Oceans Campaigner at Greenpeace Japan.

“It’s hard to fathom that the Japanese and U.S. governments are joining forces to deliberately destroy such a rich and pristine area of ocean, home of the beloved dugong. People around the world are monitoring the situation in Henoko closely,” added Komatsubara.

Demonstrations at the site gates have lasted more than 500 days. There are regular attempts by the police to clear the protesters.

Earlier this month, the government refused entry for the Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior, to enter the bay in support of the campaign.

Greenpeace offices across Europe, North America, Asia and Australia Pacific have joined efforts to shine a global spotlight on the plight of the critically endangered dugongs that live and feed in the bay.

“Greenpeace will continue to work with communities and civil society groups around Japan to protect our natural environment.”

Dugongs are listed by International Union for the Conservation of Nature and the Japanese Environment Ministry as highly at risk of extinction, with some estimates putting their number to as very few.

The petition to save the dugong is open here for further signatures: grnpc.org/IgSK2

