イルカ&クジラ・アクション・ネットワーク(IKAN、東京都・練馬区)と国際環境NGOグリーンピース・ジャパン(東京都・新宿区)は、東日本大震災復興予算事業の一つとして22.8億円が費やされた「鯨類捕獲調査安定化推進対策」(注1)について、投入された予算の用途と内訳の詳細な調査を求めると同時に、当初の目的である宮城県石巻市の復興に見合うものでなかった場合は予算の返還を求めるべきとして、会計検査院へ独立性のある緊急調査を求めました。加えて、日本鯨類研究所が債務超過に陥っている事実も指摘し、調査捕鯨事業への補助金投入の見直しも要請しました (注2)。なお、来週にもこの問題が取り上げられるとされる衆議院決算行政監視委員会へも同要請書を送りました。


注1) 水産庁 第3次補正¬予算案「鯨類捕獲調査安定化推進対策」
注2) 共同要望書「調査捕鯨に使われた震災復興予算の調査と返還を求める」






Fukushima victims go without as disaster recovery funds spent on whaling debt

Tokyo, October 5, 2012 _ Greenpeace Japan and the Dolphin & Whale Action Network (IKAN) today called on the Board of Audit of Japan to conduct a full, transparent investigation into the misuse of 2.28 billion yen in tsunami recovery funds (1). The organisations argue that the money has been used to pay off crippling whaling industry debt at the expense of health checks for nuclear workers and aid for struggling Fukushima communities.

Japan’s 2011 ‘research’ whaling operation lost 1.62 billion yen, which would have all but bankrupted the Institute of Cetacean Research had 1.8 billion yen not been misappropriated from the recovery fund. Even more scandalous is that the whaling buy-out it is three times the 620 million yen the government budgeted for health check-ups for the most heavily exposed Fukushima Daiichi workers (2).

“The Fisheries Agency justified taking money from the recovery fund by saying it would help the Ishinomaki community recover from the March 11 triple disaster,” said Junichi Sato, Greenpeace Japan Executive Director. “If this community has not benefited significantly from this money, then every last yen must be repaid so it can actually go to those that desperately need it.”

Despite the extra subsidies, declining demand for whale meat – illustrated by three-quarters of the most recent hunt going unsold at auction and a stockpile of thousands of tons of unsold meat _ has left the industry seeking even more taxpayer money. Last week the ICR was been granted approval to request money from Japan’s ‘Profitable Fisheries Support Fund’, despite long standing claims that it is a non-commercial operation.

“So called ‘scientific’ whaling is not supposed to be commercial, so it should not be granted money from the Profitable Fisheries Support Fund,” said Nanami Kurasawa, head of IKAN. “Worse still, as this fund exists to support small-scale coastal fishing operations that are still struggling after the Fukushima disaster, it is absolutely wrong for this corrupt industry to take money away from them.”

“It has been clear for many years that Japan’s whaling industry is on the rocks. The Japanese government cannot allow this corrupt operation to take any more money from taxpayers and the victims of the Fukushima disaster with impunity,” concluded Sato.

Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment, and to promote peace.

1) Greenpeace Japan and IKAN letter to the Board of Audit of Japan and
the Minisitry of Finance (Japanese)

2) Recovery funding allocation chart (Japanese)