環境保護団体グリーンピース・ジャパンは、56回目になる8月6日の広島原爆祈念日、米国大使館前で抗議を行った。約20名は、「STOP STARWARS NO MORE HIROSHIMA」という声をあげながら、同じ内容の横断幕をもち、ミサイル防衛構想(スターウォーズ)計画の中止を求めた。また核犯罪者として鉄格子に入ったブッシュ大統領も登場した。米国大使館に宛てに抗議の手紙を手渡した(添付)。グリーンピースでは米国を始め、世界各国の米国大使館などで、同日同時刻にブッシュ政権に対し抗議を行っている。







To: US ambassador

Your Excellency

We write to you to express our strong protest, on the occasion of the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, at the US Government’s Star Wars (National Missile Defense) programme, which threatens to ignite a new nuclear arms race.

Greenpeace is opposed to the Star Wars programme because it constitutes a threat to worldwide disarmament and peace. States party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, (NPT), which includes the United States, agreed in Article VI to pursue negotiations in good faith towards ending the nuclear arms race and to agree a treaty on complete disarmament.

This is an ongoing obligation that was  reconfirmed at the 2000 NPT Review Conference which extended the NPT indefinitely and at the same time described Article VI as an unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear-weapons States to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament. The issue of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) and the proposed National Missile Defense program are directly linked to the disarmament obligations under the NPT.

Greenpeace believes that plans to abrogate or amend the ABM Treaty may lead to a breach of the obligation in Article VI of the NPT Treaty and the unequivocal undertaking to accomplish the total elimination of nuclear arsenals. Greenpeace believes that it is essential that the United States demonstrates leadership with regard to the crucial treaties and regimes that strengthen our global non-proliferation system and ensures that no steps are taken which undermines the goal of the total elimination of nuclear arsenals.

In addition, we wish to raise our concern about the 15 GREENPEACE ACTIVISTS AND TWO INDEPENDENT JOURNALISTS, who were arrested on July 14 while peacefully protesting a missile test of the Star Wars system at Vandenberg Airforce Base in California. They have been charged with serious felonies which carry penalties up of up to six years in jail. They spent up to 9 days in jail before being released, and are now prevented from traveling outside California until the trial takes place.

Greenpeace believes that the prosecution of charges – which are so disproportionate to the peaceful protest against a system which has attracted worldwide criticism because of the concern that it will start a new nuclear arms race – is politically motivated with the aim of suppressing dissent and preventing future protest. As such, the charges constitute a breach of human rights.

Consequently, we ask the US government to:

1. Cease its plans to develop a Missile Defense program and amend or abrogate the ABM Treaty

2. Drop the disproportionate charges against the Greenpeace activists

3. Accept the proposal that France and Germany have put on the table regarding making the current voluntary Missile Technology Control Regime a universal and legally binding regime;

4. Commit to ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and undertake nuclear disarmament steps such as permanent and legally binding reductions in the US nuclear arsenal to ensure that implementation of the US’ obligations under the NPT is progressed with urgency.

Yours sincerely

Sanae Shida
Executive Director of Greenpeace Japan