



● 国際メールアクション(英語)(ホームページより)
グリーンピース・インターナショナル http://www.greenpeace.org/
世界自然保護基金(WWF)インターナショナル http://www.panda.org/climate/
地球の友インターナショナル http://www.foe.co.uk/

● 国内メールアクション(日本語)(ホームページより)
気候ネットワーク http://www.jca.apc.org/~kikonet/index-j.html
グリーンピース・ジャパン http://www.greenpeace.or.jp/
地球の友ジャパン http://www.foejapan.org/

◆ 国際キャンペーン用の手紙内容

内閣総理大臣 小泉純一郎 様




今、日本政府は、まず前進することを決断すべきです。他国と手を取り、7月の交渉会議で議定書を完成させ、議定書とともに歩み始める用意をすべきです。 京都議定書が発効すれば、米国を議定書に呼び戻すことが容易になると私は考えます。もし日本政府が今決断しなければ、議定書は崩壊し、温暖化を防止するための政策が10年後回しになり、後悔という苦さと不信感だけを引きずることになります。



Dear Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi

I am writing to you because I am very concerned about the fate of the Kyoto Protocol and because the ratification by Japan of this agreement is essential to its survival. I agreed with you very much when you said that the action of President Bush in rejecting this agreement is ‘deplorable’.

I have read that you are meeting with Mr. Bush at Camp David on the 30th June and I would respectfully request that you carry one message to him, which I am sure will have the support of the majority of world opinion:

“Regretfully, Japan must move forward and honour the commitment it made in Kyoto and ratify the Kyoto Protocol independent of the decision of President Bush, so that it can enter into force by 2002.”

The first step for Japan is to decide now to move ahead, engage with other countries that are ready to move forward with the Kyoto Protocol, and finalize the protocol at the July climate summit. With the Kyoto Protocol in force, I think we will be in the best position to bring the US back into the agreement at a later time. If Japan does not decide now and the protocol collapses this will set back climate protection by a decade and leave a long residue of bitterness and mistrust.

Sir, this is a critical moment in history and I truly believe Japan has a big responsibility. The Kyoto Protocol is a historic agreement and now its survival depends on Japan. Please honour that responsibility

Yours sincerely
CC Environment Minister.