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  • Twenty Years of Failure

    Twenty Years of Failure

    Twenty years ago, the first genetically modified (GM) crops were planted in the USA, alongside dazzling promises about this new technology. Two decades on, the promises are getting bigger and bigger, but GM crops are not delivering any of them. Not only was this technology supposed to make food and agriculture systems simpler, safer and…

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Cattle Farm in the Amazon © Greenpeace / Daniel Beltrá

    Less meat, better for everyone

    The recent announcement from the World Health Organisation (WHO) which classified processed meat as a carcinogenic and red meat as "probably carcinogenic" (similar to Glyphosate in Roundup) shows that the amount and the frequency that we eat meat today should raise alarm.  

    Elena Danali 2 min read
  • Victories in Mexico for healthy food

    Let me share some good news! So far 2015 has been a promising year for our campaign for healthy food in Mexico. This doesn't mean that everything related to food and agriculture is now perfect in Mexico… far from it! However, I am now even more convinced that we can change attitudes, mobilize people and…

    Aleira Lara 3 min read
  • Cattle Farm in the Amazon © Greenpeace / Daniel Beltrá

    Cows, conspiracies, and Greenpeace

    You're probably reading this blog because you have some questions raised by the film Cowspiracy. I'd like to address these directly – and tell you a little about our work on animal agriculture around the world.

    Robin Oakley 4 min read
  • Ecological Produce at Farmers Market in Paris © Peter Caton / Greenpeace

    5 ways to celebrate World Food Day (and fix our broken food system)

    Today is World Food Day and food lovers have found some fabulous ways to celebrate. Food that's good for people and our planet is a human right: from farmers in Argentina and city folk in France, to children in the Philippines and foodies in the USA, food that's organic, local and seasonal should be a…

    Amanda Graupner 1 min read
  • Crane with Nest in Germany © Markus Mauthe / Greenpeace

    A pestiferous problem

    A new report on Europe's pesticide addiction addresses the thorny topic of ridding ourselves of pesticides for good.

    Dr. Dirk Zimmermann 3 min read
  • Europes Pesticide Addiction

    Europe’s Pesticide Addiction

    Europe's dependency on chemical pesticides is nothing short of an addiction. Crops are routinely doused with a variety of chemicals, usually applied multiple times to single crops throughout the whole growing season. Industrial agriculture, with its heavy use of chemical pesticides, pollutes our water and soil and leads to loss of habitats and biodiversity.

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Illegal Purse Seine Fishing Vessel © Alex Hofford / Greenpeace

    A mothership your mother wouldn’t like

    Transshipping lets fishing vessels travel half way around the world to work in the Pacific, keeping their workers isolated and their catch out of sight of authorities, sometimes for years on end, without having to go into a Pacific port once.

    Oliver Knowles 4 min read
  • Esperanza Agrotoxics Food for Life Action in Mexico © Arturo Rocha / Greenpeace

    Esperanza investigates agrotoxics in the Gulf of California

    The Greenpeace ship Esperanza is currently on the second leg of its tour in the Gulf of California, investigating toxic chemicals associated with agriculture. Last week, activists sent a message to food companies Bimbo, La Costeña, and Herdez, among others. The reason? These companies are using harmful fertilizers in the production of their food products.…

    Maia Booker 2 min read
  • How our breakfast choice can change the food system

    8:00 am, Monday, southern Spain: "What's for breakfast, Mom?"

    Reyes Tirado 3 min read