The 28th UN Climate Conference will take place at the end of a blistering year of record-breaking temperatures and climate-induced extreme weather. A year that saw the world’s climate scientists lay out the unequivocal need for steep and immediate emissions cuts to limit warming to 1.5ºC.

30 Nov – 12 Dec 2023
Expo City, Dubai

Climate Strike at COP27 in Egypt. © Marie Jacquemin / Greenpeace

The causes and consequences of climate change have never been clearer – and the solutions never more in reach. Fossil fuels are killing us, but renewable energy promises a better future for all. Yet rising emissions and planned expansion of fossil fuel production are wildly out of sync with the direction of progress needed while financial support to reduce emissions and to address escalating climate impacts remains completely inadequate.

COP28, marking a key stress test for the Paris Agreement, will be about facing the facts, correcting course and giving solutions a real chance to deliver.

Greenpeace demands for COP28: 

  1. COP28 in Dubai is where countries must finally agree to set us free from fossil fuels. The moment world leaders decide to end the expansion of coal, oil and gas and accelerate renewable energy transition, with a fair and managed phase out of fossil fuels.
  2. The Global Stocktake at COP28 must conclude with outcomes that kick-start transformative action across the board to limit temperatures to 1.5ºC and respond to increasing climate impacts.
  3. Success will only be possible with a credible finance package that is commensurate with real-world needs, includes the launch of a new Loss and Damage Fund, and moves us closer to making polluters pay for the destruction and harm they have caused.