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  • Greenpeace smartphone repair cafe in Beijing. © Wendi Wu / Greenpeace

    How green is your tech?

    While it probably came out of a pretty box, if you could look through this screen back through the steps involved in making your shiny device, the picture you would see would likely be far from pretty: a supply chain still reliant on dirty energy sources fueling climate change, dangerous mining practices, hazardous chemicals, and…

    Gary Cook 4 min read
  • The Ocean Plastic Crisis

    "Plastics!" This became one of the most famous film lines from the 1960s era. In the film The Graduate, young university graduate, Ben (Dustin Hoffman) appears annoyed and distracted when his wealthy American parents stage an elaborate party to show him off to their peers. A family friend approaches him and says, "Ben I have…

    Rex Weyler 7 min read
  • Peatland Forest in DRC © Daniel Beltrá / Greenpeace

    Give the Congo Basin forest a chance

    Approaching the forest in the Congo, I am met with an overwhelming wall of green. Flying over it, I see the meandering rivers merging together. I see animals drinking from the rivers, frolicking with joy in the water. Walking into the forest, I hear a chorus of teeming life – birds, lowland and mountain gorillas,…

    Victorine Che Thoener 3 min read
  • COP21: Arc de Triomphe Sun Action in Paris.

    Activists around Europe #RiseUp for a cleaner future

    It was only two years ago when, during the Paris Climate Conference, we displayed our first giant Sun in Paris to demand that our world leaders tackle climate change by replacing dirty fossil fuels with clean renewable energy.

    Cristiana De Lia 3 min read
  • Nuclear security: power plants are poorly protected against malicious acts

    The nuclear power plants around us are “The Sword of Damocles” over our heads. A new report by independent experts, submitted to authorities in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg, questions security at French and Belgian nuclear facilities and points at their vulnerability to outside attacks. These experts are particularly concerned about a certain type…

    Mehdi Leman 3 min read
  • Forest near Lake Blecktjärnen in Sweden © Edward Beskow / Greenpeace

    The many faces defending the Great Northern Forest

    “Hi, would you like to have your photograph taken to help protect the Great Northern Forest?” Earlier this year, we took to the streets to ask people this very question. Our dream is that the critical forest landscapes in this beautiful forest should be protected.

    Ethan Gilbert 2 min read
  • Great news for bees – time to say goodbye to fipronil! #SOSbees

    It’s party time for bees and other species, because, starting today, the chemical pesticide fipronil can’t be used anymore in agriculture across Europe. Fipronil is a common pesticide used in agriculture and sparked an international food scandal last summer because the toxic substance was used illegally in chicken stables, contaminating eggs and eggs derivatives.

    Luis Ferreirim 3 min read
  • Brown Bear in Sweden © Günter Lenhardt

    How your tissue could be wiping away amazing forests

    You smell it first – the smell of recently splintered trees is so strong that it hits me long before I reach the logging site. The tree stumps are still sticky with resin. A few hours ago this was a lush forest with trees that had stood tall for over a hundred years. Now it…

    Lina Burnelius 3 min read
  • Arctic Sunrise protests Arctic oil drilling in Barents Sea. © Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace

    The Arctic Sunrise has been seized. Here’s why:

    The message is clear: Norway, it’s time to choose people over oil. 35 activists from 25 countries around the world are in the Barents Sea to demand an end to Arctic drilling.

    Diego Gonzaga 2 min read
  • Eggs from ALDI Supermarket in Germany © Fred Dott / Greenpeace

    Why are there pesticides in our eggs?

    In case you missed the news this week, here’s what we know so far: during the first week in August, the Dutch food safety authority (NWMA) announced that they discovered tens of thousands of eggs contaminated with fipronil - a toxic anti-lice pesticide, banned in food production in the EU. Dutch and Belgian police have…

    Christiane Huxdorff and Davin Hutchins 3 min read