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  • Polar Bear on Sea Ice in Baffin Bay © Greenpeace

    Great news for the Arctic AND the Antarctic!

    Today is a great day for oceans at both ends of the earth. Last night, governments from around the world agreed to protect a huge part of the Arctic Ocean against all commercial fishing.

    Louisa Casson 2 min read
  • People vs Arctic Oil Protest in Berlin © Gordon Welters / Greenpeace

    The wave is rolling!

    This is our chance to take a look at what happened inside and outside the courtroom and at the growing movement of ordinary people doing extraordinary things to defend and restore our planet.

    Michelle Jonker-Argueta 3 min read
  • Yulin Coal Industry in China © Nian Shan / Greenpeace

    Samsung: fuelling climate change

    As extreme weather increases, the world is being forced to wake up to the realities of climate change. The good news is that every day more and more people are coming together, taking action to ensure a greener future for us all.

    Insung Lee 2 min read
  • Dry Grass Fire in the Astrakhan Nature Reserve © Igor Podgorny / Greenpeace

    Fire and Rain

    The year 2017 may become a historic milestone where the visceral effects of global heating - extreme storms and wildfires - finally reach public consciousness.

    Rex Weyler 7 min read
  • 2017 Beijing Design Week © Greenpeace / Wendi Wu

    Why we should MAKE SMTHNG instead of going shopping

    At the start of the holiday shopping season, we want to invite you to make something with us. In cities around the world, makers are gathering to demonstrate how we can unite to create unique alternatives to buying something new.

    Lu Yen Roloff 4 min read
  • Revealed: Investigation uncovers the plot to murder Berta Cáceres

    “We will use the full extent of our fiscal and legal influence to bring the individuals and the organisation behind these criminal, barbaric acts to justice.” — The chief of security for DESA, builder of the Agua Zarca dam project opposed by the late Honduran activist Berta Cáceres, in a text message to company executives…

    Cecilia Carballo 3 min read
  • Chilean Base Teniente Marsh Krill. © Greenpeace / Robin Culley

    License to krill

     Two days ago, the gavel came down in an adjudication decision which may, more than any other recent hammer-strike, determine the future of fishing: The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) officially bestowed its blue-and-white fish-check label to a massive factory operator that targets Antarctic krill. This is not a good thing.

    Casson Trenor 4 min read
  • Oakland joins cities across North America telling banks to stop funding pipelines. © 350 DC

    Mazaska Talks: how you can help stop dirty oil projects

    Last week, people around the world called on banks financing harmful fossil fuel projects to clean up their acts. Projects like the Dakota Access Pipeline and tar sands pipelines threaten a healthy environment and do not have consent from Indigenous communities whose territories they cross. Responsible banks should not be supporting them.

    Alex Speers-Roesch 3 min read
  • Activists Block Entrance to RWE Coal Plant in Eemshaven © Bas Beentjes / Greenpeace

    5 reasons why coal is on the way out

    While some politicians  – ahem, Trump! – are trying to prop up the fossil fuel industry, there’s been a quiet revolution happening around the world. People are ditching coal –…

    Lauri Myllyvirta 3 min read
  • Carolina Nyberg-Steiser

    We are all deeply feeling the loss of a friend and colleague

    It is with heavy hearts that we can confirm that our dear friend and colleague Carolina Nyberg-Steiser, 29, from Greenpeace Nordic has died in a tragic accident in the Amazon.

    Patrik Eriksson 1 min read