What do the Arctic have in common with a drama about vampires and a sitcom about a sketch comedy show? Not much, unless you take into account two actors who are keen to save our pristine wilderness to the North.

True Blood star Alexander Skarsgard and 30 Rock’s Jack McBrayer teamed up with Funny or Die and Greenpeace to release a three-part mini series – shot on location in the Arctic Ocean.

Watch ‘Jack & Alex Set Sail’ from Funny Or Die.

The pair, who are friends in real life, sailed on Greenpeace icebreaker for nine days off the east coast of Greenland. They recorded the series to boost public awareness about the reality of global warming, and to build support for Greenpeace’s “Save the Arctic” campaign.

Watch ‘Jack & Alex Find Their Sea Legs’ from Funny Or Die.

“I wish to invite people to get a chance to see how amazing this place is. Not a lot of people have the privilege to go to Greenland, to the Arctic,” said Skarsgard. “I hope that when seeing the series, people will appreciate the beauty of the Arctic and the importance of preserving it, so that it does not turn into one big oil field.”

Watch ‘Jack & Alex: Search & Rescue’ from Funny Or Die

“I have seen an iceberg roll over, I have seen glaciers calve, I have seen whales, it was just phenomenal,” said McBrayer. “It was definitely labor of love out there, and it is really inspiring and makes me very appreciative to see everyone work so hard. I have never been to this part of the world and am not sure if I ever would have sought out an adventure like this myself.”

The entire series can also be seen here.

Join them and millions of others who want to keep drilling for fossil fuels out of the Arctic.