Alarm bells are going off as the days pass since the disappearance of Brazilian Indigenista Bruno Araújo Pereira and Guardian journalist Dom Phillips in the Brazilian Amazon. The pair disappeared while returning from a trip to document the Javari Valley region of Amazonas State. International calls are growing for national and local authorities to cooperate on an investigation into their disappearance.

When every minute counts, fears are growing for the safety of Pereira and Philipps. Bolsonaro’s government continues to foster an environment that has made the Amazon more dangerous for Indigenous Peoples, traditional communities, environmental and human rights defenders, and journalists. 

Time and time again, the Brazilian government has sided with crime and destruction in the Amazon, resulting in increasing illegal deforestation, annual illegal fires, and expanding illegal mining. The government has signaled leniency towards crimes and fines in the Amazon, has sabotaged environmental enforcement, and is accelerating plans to weaken environmental laws.

Agribusiness interests are advancing drastic and disastrous laws in Brazil that would reward land-grabbing, rob Indigenous Peoples of their lands and accelerate forest destruction. To win the fight against the climate, biodiversity and health crises we are in, we must stand in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and stop the destruction of the Amazon.

Greenpeace Brazil is calling on the Brazilian Government to mobilize all the necessary efforts to investigate the disappearance of Dom Philipps and Bruno Araújo Pereira.

While scientists warn us about the deadly climate emergency and mass extinction, the Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest, is still being logged and burned out of existence for industrial agriculture. The rights of Indigenous Peoples and traditional communities are critical to the health of the rainforest, but their lives and lands remain threatened. Greenpeace is committed to the protection of Indigenous rights in Brazil, and all over the world. 

Our future depends on it.

Add your voice to save the Amazon.

This is a developing story.