Right now, leaders and senior politicians from all over the world are meeting virtually to discuss the nature and climate emergencies at the United Nations Summit on Biodiversity. Young climate and nature activists have given world leaders a Wake Up Call to remind them that words aren’t enough. Watch them demand real action to protect people and planet:


See here for how governments can take strong ambitious action to Protect Our Oceans.

If you are a political minister for the environment, or a member of a country delegation to the UN, and are interested in joining our Wake Up Call discussion of the emergencies we face, please email veronica.frank [at] greenpeace.org.

Mya-Rose Craig Holds Most Northerly Climate Strike. © Daniella Zalcman / Greenpeace
18-year-old environmental activist and campaigner Mya-Rose Craig poses on an ice floe in the Arctic as part of the most northerly climate strike at 82.2° North. A Greenpeace team is in the Arctic to document the impact of the climate crisis and investigate marine life in the region.
© Daniella Zalcman / Greenpeace