We are in a climate emergency, and our leaders may not be acting like it, but we are.

Well over seven million of us have taken to the streets to demand action on climate. 

Global Climate Strike March in Mexico. © Ilse Huesca Vargas / Greenpeace
The strike in Mexico City. © Ilse Huesca Vargas / Greenpeace

The last two Fridays have seen the biggest climate marches ever. Led by fierce students and school children demanding a future, more people recognise that things need to change. 

Protest marches are thriving with creativity, imagination, and energy. This time, from Wellington to Washington and so many places in between we can barely count them all (but it was about 4000), we saw some creations that took serious team efforts to pull off; everything from puppet oil CEOs to more giant globes than we can possibly count.

Here are just a few of the masterpieces that were on display last Friday. 

Global Climate Strike and Climate March in Seoul, South Korea. © K. Chae / Greenpeace
Our house is literally on fire – Seoul, South Korea © K. Chae / Greenpeace
Global Climate Strike in Casablanca, Morocco. © Chadi Ilias / Greenpeace
“I came into the world to live in a healthy climate” – Casablanca, Morocco © Chadi Ilias / Greenpeace
Global Climate Strike in Athens, Greece. © Constantinos Stathias / Greenpeace
Well said, well painted – Athens, Greece © Constantinos Stathias / Greenpeace
Global Climate Strike in Johannesburg, South Africa. © Shayne Robinson / Greenpeace
If we don’t do something about the climate crisis, then…  – Johannesburg, South Africa © Shayne Robinson / Greenpeace
Global Climate Strike in Casablanca, Morocco. © Chadi Ilias / Greenpeace
Making music, because not all art is for the eyes – Casablanca, Morocco © Chadi Ilias / Greenpeace
Global Climate Strike in Washington DC. © Livia Ferguson / Greenpeace
We love the world – Washington D.C., USA © Livia Ferguson / Greenpeace
Climate Strike in The Hague, Netherlands. © Maaike Schauer / Greenpeace
Not all artists need a canvas – The Hague, Netherlands. © Maaike Schauer / Greenpeace
Global Climate Strike in Athens, Greece. © Constantinos Stathias / Greenpeace
Need I say more? – Athens, Greece. © Constantinos Stathias / Greenpeace
Climate strike in Ljubljana
Look who turned up! – Ljubljana, Slovenia. © Domen Hrovatin / Greenpeace
Climate Action in Lebanon. © Greenpeace / Roland Salem
Ashekman, a Lebanese Graffiti group, made this incredible mural – Beirut, Lebanon. © Greenpeace / Roland Salem
Global Climate Strike in São Paulo, Brazil. © Barbara Veiga / Greenpeace
Jair Bolsonaro has never looked better – São Paulo, Brazil. © Barbara Veiga / Greenpeace
Global Climate Strike March in Mexico. © Ilse Huesca Vargas / Greenpeace
The world is on fire, and we can’t just sit and watch it burn – Mexico City. © Ilse Huesca Vargas / Greenpeace

See you at the same time, same place, next week.And every Friday after that until world leaders listen, and unite behind the science. 

The next global strike is November 29th. You can find your nearest strike here

If you haven’t come yet, there is a movement of millions of people ready to welcome you.

If you have, bring a friend.

Brendan O’Nolan is a campaigner for Greenpeace International