This week, governments are meeting at the UN in New York for crucial negotiations towards a Global Ocean Treaty, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

This treaty is the key to winning the campaign. If the countries negotiating get it right, the treaty will finally make it possible to create huge new ocean sanctuaries where we need them most. And we know that putting important habitats off-limits to destructive industries is the best way to help sea life recover from the pressures of climate change, pollution, overfishing and other destructive industries.

The talks at the United Nations headquarters in NYC are the third in a series of four rounds of negotiations, and they’re the most important yet. If things go well, it’ll put us on track for the strong treaty we need to put our blue planet on the road to recovery. 

As always, the lobbyists from destructive industries are out in force, trying to keep the current broken system going. But thanks to ocean protectors around the world, they can’t do it in secret. 

Almost 1.8 million people have signed the petition calling on governments to get this done, and this is the moment to show them we mean it! Here’s how the movement to Protect the Oceans is making a splash in NYC.

We took over Times Square with whales, turtles, and a call for ocean protection.

'Oceans Sanctuaries Now!' Electronic Billboards in New York. © Greenpeace
Four electronic billboards display images of threatened marine life and messages reading: ‘Global Ocean Treaty Now!’ and “Ocean Sanctuaries Now!” in Times Square, New York. © Greenpeace

The entrance to the UN building where the talks happen is being guarded by a giant whale sculpture showing the threats facing our oceans.

Ocean-Inspired Artwork at the United Nations in New York. © Greenpeace
The 19 ft high sculpture of whales and turtles represents the many threats facing the oceans © Greenpeace

Meanwhile, inside the UN, Hollywood star and Ocean Ambassador Javier Bardem kicked off the talks with an electrifying speech to the negotiators.

And these personalised messages to negotiators are appearing on posters around the hotel where they stay.

'Notes to Delegates' in New York. © Greenpeace
Personalised messages calling on delegates to support a global ocean treaty, appear around the United Nations Headquarters in New York. © Greenpeace

This is a vital opportunity to show our governments that there’s huge public support for ocean protection. Add your name to the petition if you haven’t already, and share some info about the campaign to get your friends on board.