Seven years ago we launched the Detox My Fashion campaign to stop companies from polluting rivers and oceans with toxic chemicals used in their production.

When some of our favourite global brands told us that they didn’t know which companies in their supply chain were producing their clothes, and that change wasn’t possible, you didn’t accept no for an answer.  

"Detox" Striptease in Bangkok © Athit Perawongmetha / Greenpeace

33 people whipped off their clothes in Chatuchak market, Bangkok

You took action to change their minds. You asked your favourite fashion brands to stop polluting the environment; you signed petitions, you took over social media and showed up for actions in shop, making sure they understood that you care for nature, people and the way clothes are made.

That’s why this campaign’s success is yours. Today, 80 Detox-committed companies are well on their way towards eliminating all hazardous chemicals from their supply chains by 2020. These companies represent 15% of all global clothing production. You can read more about their progress in the new report, Destination Zero – Seven Years of Detoxing the Clothing Industry.

Market leaders such as Zara, adidas, and Tesco have taken responsibility for the way they produce clothes. They are testing the wastewater from their factories and publishing the results, replacing toxic chemicals with better alternatives and building relationships with their workers in countries like China, Mexico, and Indonesia. This has not only made our waterways cleaner, but it’s improved the lives of people who work at or live close to those factories.

You started a transparency revolution in the fashion sector. NGOs like Fashion Revolution and Changing Markets are demanding better factory working conditions and more sustainable materials, creating a sea of change for the fashion industry that can’t be undone. It  shows how the seemingly impossible can be achieved when people come together.

But there is still more to do. Fast fashion continues to grow, as online shopping becomes the norm. Companies are producing cheaper and cheaper clothes every year. As our climate continues to warm, mountains of waste are growing and microplastic fibre pollution from synthetic clothing is spreading to our oceans. This needs to stop.

We need you to keep pushing for a better future. Here’s how you can help:

Let the success of Detox my Fashion be a reminder: Nothing is impossible!

Lu Yen Roloff is the Communications Lead for Detox my Fashion


"Detox" Striptease in Bangkok © Athit Perawongmetha / Greenpeace
Detox My Fashion

Global fast fashion brands are churning out more clothes than the planet can handle.

Take action